You are a lier!

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No one's pov:

Bolin slowly opens his eyes from the sounds of the morning he blinks twice noticing he is in a larger hut with bandages around his stomach he turns to see his sister staring right at him with pure joy"Hi...Bolin..."she says softly while smiling at him gently.He smiles back and begins to laugh softly cuasing her to join in as well he sighed and sat up carefully and leaned on the wall"least I got my first battle scars..."He said rubbing his stomach"another step into becoming a man...."Azula said with a cheeky smile on her face"we should've stayed in the forest..."Bolin says coldly causing Azula's ears to flatten"don't say that was one slip....I'm fine your fine everyone is..o-okey"She said with worry in her voice.

Bolin looked down"They said we would be safer here...but you got hurt.....and it would have been worse if we didn't come when we did..."he said while slowly standing"oh stop... talking like sound like mom" Azula says with a pained voice.Bolin sighs and looks to her rubbing her head and smiling"look as long as your happy...and safe I'll follow u into a ditch if you wanted me to sis....your joy...brings me joy.."he says before hugging her tightly"Azula!"kiri said while peeking in"Kiri!"Azula perked up and smiled at her shyly"may i take her?..."kiri says kindly while grabbing her.Bolin nods his head gently as he watched the two girls run off somewhere he left the hut to find food.

He sits down after walking to long he sighs"guess I'll just wait-"he's cut off by a leaf of food placed in front of him he looks up to see it's no other then Lo'ak"thank you"he says taking the leaf of food Lo'ak looked away embarrassed before sitting next to him and curling his tail around him gently Bolin looked a bit surprised but smiled and giggled a bit"your adorable"Bolin spoke before eating some of his food"tch...I'm glad your ok"he says looking at him"you really scared me.."He said resting his hand on his shoulder Bolin flinches a bit before rubbing his head"Ya know...I've always wanted a little brother"Bolin says softly before sipping some water"Heh now you got one dork"He messes up his hair before running off laughing"Bolin laughs & goes to dispose of his leaf.

He stops once he hears his mother's voice from a larger hut"You lied....You LIED TO ME YOU LIER"she screamed out at Jake and his mate"we didn't think this would happen please calm down..."Jake spoke calmly"my son was shot Twice with those demon weapons and you wish for me to calm down....You are's not safe here....we are returning to Our home"She says sounding helpless and turning to leave"wait wait come with us....we are's not safe for our kids or the clan..." he spoke desperately while netirty had a saden expression on her face"how can I trust you again...what if...he is shot once more...and the wound is fatel"She says with sadness in her voice Bolin's ears flatten at his mother's pained voice"I've risked have them....if I trust u again...and I lose one....I will forever blame you....and Eywa....."She stares him in the eyes with tears dripping from her face"I won't let anything else happen to your children...I promise"He said with a comforting voice.

Bolin walks away before listening any further to the conversation" she sounded so...hopeless"he mumbles before seeing neteyem hanging with some friends he smiles and waves to him"oh here we go your little boy friend is here to snatch you up"one of his friends said Neteyem shoved him playfully before ignoring Bolin all together.Bolin tilted his head before rushing to him and grabbing his arm"Teyem..."Bolin spoke softly causing neteyem to shiver slightly"I'll catch up"he stayed behind as his friends walked away leaving the two alone"what Bolin" He said in a almost cold tone Bolin's hears flatten"i haven't seen you since last it wrong to miss you?.."he says looking up at Neteyem"you-...."He froze as he saw the position they were in'Bolin was holding onto his arms with his body against his while facing up at his eyes' "Bolin...why are you so close to me?" He said turning away trying to calm himself"Aren't we this close all the time...?...I like"Bolin says in a loving voice before resting his head on his chest"Bolin...."neteyem whispered out"your heart is fast..."Bolin placed his hand on his chest before smiling"guess your happy to see me..".

Neteyem tried to keep his cool"Bolin...your.."Bolin stared at him innocently"Teyem..."Bolin spoke feeling the odd feelings he felt once before"What are you two doing?!"Bolin looks to see his mother storming to them"Ma'am...I just wanted to see Teyem"Bolin spoke out quickly before getting pulled away"your supposed to be healing not All over the Chiefs Son are you crazy!"Bolin shook his head quickly before being pulled away"You don't have to grab him like that"Neteyem says while pulling Bolin away from her"This isn't your business..."Bolin smiled at Neteyem before following his mother who only kept yelling at him.

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