coming to a close

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The next morning was quiet with the village people clearing up things and only discussing very little of the night before Azula went to the shore and cleaned her face still tense from the night"Zula....You slept alone and you didn't even come to me..are u alright" Kiri sits by Azula curling her tail around her waist while holding her arm" I'm sorry....last night was Alot...I needed rest" Kiri nods in agreement.She then kisses her cheek and smiles at her" what?" Azula giggles looking up at her Kiri smiles more as Azula's eyes soften and her face eases down" you must go see my parents Zula....they have something they really want to speak to u about" Azula nods annoyed once more and stands following Kiri to the merui where everyone is laughing and talking.Azula steps in and everyone turns to her with soft expressions" did someone...die what-" Azula stops speaking after seeing Bolin stand and smile at her"Zula..." Azula runs to him hugging him tightly and slowly sitting down with him" I'm so glad your okey...." Bolin rubs her head and snuggles her tightly while looking to their mother" I told u she would be happy^^" Bolin and Azula's mother just sighs with a soft smile while the two stayed in each other's arms.


Time passed on throughout the day and Azula spent most of it with Bolin and their mother.She was daydreaming while walking amongst the shore until Jake approached her with caution" Azula....have you seen....spider?....." Azula's eyes shift and she tilts her head slightly"no.." Azula smiles softly holding Jakes hands" Thank u for attempting to save me..." Azula walks away humming leaving Jake a bit confused.Azula returned back to Bolins merui and sat down smiling" having peace... after everything....feels...weird..." Bolin smiles at Azula and sits straight while making a top" Ewya has a future for us...we must be prepared for everything" The two stayed within the merui talking for hours until eclipse.Bolin covers Azula and steps out feeling the cold night air hit his face he begins to walk to the shore stepping in He then sits on a rock under water and shuts his eyes relaxing to the sound and feeling." You look beautifully.... peaceful" Bolin blinks looking to the shore his eyes locking with Non other then Neteyem.He sits on the shore only letting his feet in while staying on the sand" I were injured...are u well?..." Bolin swims closer caressing the wound on his chest.Neteyem stares down at Bolin softly" I'm...doing better..." Bolin looks up at him and stares into his eyes" is there any lead...on where...spider is?...." Neteyem snaps back into reality after hearing spiders name and sighing with worry" he vanished...right after Lo'ak saved dad....we don't know what happened" Bolin steps closer lifting Neteyems cheek and stroking it" spider is true Navi...he is just fine" Bolin quickly retrakes his hand and steps back from Neteyem.

Neteyem grips his hand quickly stepping deeper in and looking down at him" this game....of much longer must it last..." Bolin avoids his gaze and sighs"untill I will not harm my heart once more...." Neteyem flinches at his tone and steps back" Bolin...listen...i-...that.." Neteyem sighs softly frustrated with not being able to speak the right words.Bolin stares up at him and sighs" you....have time....I'll be here when u find the right words....teyem" Bolin steps out from the water and walks away leaving Neteyem alone.Bolin quickly sneaks up behind roxto and tickles his back causing him to let out a odd laugh.Roxto turns grabbing Bolin and spininh him with ease while laughing" it is nice to have you back...Bol" Bolin nods steping back and bowing to ronal and Tonnawri"it eases us to know...your awake...and you weren't in danger...during last nights actions" Tonnawri bows his head slightly while smiling."it's have you back...truly"Ronal says softly looking at Bolin with a soft expression.Bolin bid fairwells and walked back to his merui to see if Azula was still asleep but before he could enter a horn was blown loudly catching his attention.Azula peaks out confused before stepping out completely yawning and rubbing her eyes" what's with the" Bolin shrugs following the groups of Navi rushing to the shore Azula rolls her eyes following behind him.

Jake Lo'ak and most of the family voices echo loudly as the two got closer they finally saw what the fuss was about.Jake quickly switched out the mask while one of the boys did CPR on a body.Azula shoved past everyone and stopped once she heard a loud cough from the body." He's Breathing!" Jake shouts while adjusting the spare mask onto spiders face spider holds Jakes hand tightly while controlling his breathing.Jake lifts him up quickly helping him stand and spiders attention locks with Azula who has the coldest eyes that are shooting through his skull." Z-zula...y-you" spider stutters rapidly trying to step back as Azula approaches quickly" Azula?!" Bolin quickly grips her hand snapping her back and she quickly pulls away retreating to her merui quickly.jake and the others looks at spider confused" spider....what happened" Lo'ak asked resting a hand on his shoulder spider flinches slightly and holds his broken leg" its-....I just need to rest" the others nod in agreement taking him to their merui.Azula on the other hand watches from a distance while spinning her blade at a rapid speed." I will get rid of him.... regardless if they want u...or not" Azula mumbles before going back to her own merui to rest.

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