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Bolin's Pov:

I woke up late at night for no real reason.I yawned and stretched as I noticed we were both back in our beds and the fire was out I sat up rubbing my eyes before hearing a noise from the distance catching my attention I called my direhorse and rode to the beach as quickly as possible before jumping off and staying hidden behind trees and bushes.My eyes widen when I see multiple huge flying creatures land on the shore of the beach while laughing"ah ma Jake you lost just accept it"the older woman said while helping her young child down"hah He lost to a kid!"one of the other boys said while laughing.

"Whatever we are only here to get that fruit that grows we are in and out"The man said with a playful but stern voice my curiosity rose as I listened but I was forced to stop as Azula pulled him away quickly but quietly "hey wait...those were people like us!"I said lowly while looking back at the beach"they look nothing like us....they could even be dangerous...we must report back to mother" i sigh out before pulling my hand away quick"You can im going to go speak to them"She looked at me with a shocked expression on her face"are u mad?!"i groan before running to the beach and seeing only the big flying creatures.

I sigh out joyfully while petting one"how... beautiful.."I say earning a low growl from the creature"Bolin...let's go!'Azula shouts i huff before facing her"why must we hide away what's so bad ab-UGH!"before i could speak on a arrow is pierced into my arm causing me to fall to my knees in pain"Bolin!!"Azula grabs me and rushes into the forest before the strangers could see us up close"what....who were they.."the woman said while watching them scurry"They look young....must live here."the taller man said before getting his family back home.


I groan out as my mother rubs a past on the wound"This...THIS IS WHY I HAVE RULES!"she yelled out at us I only sigh and look away"I just...want to see gets lonely here.."I say before rolling over after she finished the bandages"it shouldn't be you have us"I scoff gently before laying in my bed and closing the curtains"give him time... ma'am"Azula said before going to her bed along with my mother's"I will see you creatures again...I swear to ewya..".

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