New enemy

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Azula's POV:

I cut the fish furiously while hissing lowly to myself"ma'Azula your gonna cut yourself at this rate"kiri spoke softly taking the blade from my hands carefully."Sorry kiri ill be back i promise" i say quickly before kissing her and storming to The cheifs merui angrily opening the curtains"EXUSE YOU?!"Ronal yelled loudly. I only hissed rapidly causing her to step back a bit as Tonawari stood by her"you.....YOU....HURT HIM" i yelled while my tail swung rapidly"If this about bolin then-".I yell cutting him off completely while growling lowly"i wont tell you again.....STAY AWAY OR I KILL YOU AND THAT FETUS"ronal gasps while covering her stomach i scoff and rush out quickly to the others who were sitting around each other"zula look i made this"tuk says joyfully placing a necklace on me and skipping off.I watch her leave from sight before kicking the basket of fish into jake and my mother"HEY KID WT-"jake stops his words as i hold my blade to his neck"Stay....."i point to bolin's merui"STAY...away from him"I hiss out softly before turning my gaze to my mother.

I step back from jake and hiss extremely loud at her"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!"my mother yells while standing"You.....your letting them hurt him....he isn't-HIS HEART IS PURE TO WEAK FOR PAIN"i yell trying not to explode"that is his own fault he gets his pure heart from his father...and soon it will be the death of him as well..."My ears twitch rapidly and a loud Slap echos throughout the whole beach.My mother steps back holding her face and stares at me shocked"You-HOW DARE YOU-"i pull out the weapon that those sky people had when were kidnapped and pointed it to her"You...hold your tongue....if i hear you speak badly to my brother....i wouldn't mind....being motherless"i throw the gun at her and spit at the sand"This is my one and only warning to you all...leave my brother...alone" i sped off quickly to find one final person.I stopped as i saw him with the others lauging and smiling as if he didn't hurt my brother.

I storm up to Neteyam and punch him in the face"AZULA!?"kiri yells as i tackle him and continued to punch him rapidly"I WAREND..AND YOU STILL HURT HIM YOU SELFISH PIECE OF GARBAGE!!!!!"i Scream while slapping and punching him non-stop.He flipped me and punched me a few times"YOU NEED TO RELAX!"He yelled i headbutted him and threw him into the water"YOU DIE TONIGHT!!!!"I jump on him holding his head underwater"AZULA!!!!"Kiri yelled again not wanting to step in.I pull his head up"hes never been in love...or loved....and once he finally gets these damn fuckinv BREAK HIS HEART A MILLION TIMES"i scream before breaking his arm and shoving him into the water. Neteyam yelled in pain as Lo'ak And Aoung rushed to him"Azula wtf!!"kiri rushed to me with confusion and panic.i stare at her with a dull expression"....Sorry darling....."I kiss her cheek before walking to Bolins merui and sitting by his sleeping body"oh ones gonna harm you....." i lay by him and rub his hair"No one would dare.....not while im around...."i sigh softly while whipping the old tears from his face.

I smile gently"The only real need right now is me..."I say shakily and stroking his cheek"Your my bestie already sis...."He mumbles before drifting off to sleep again.I shut my eyes slowly before drifting to sleep as well.

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