Rotxo who?....

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Bolins POV:

I wanted to avoid the boys completely so i asked Tonawari for all jewelry and cloth making chores so i could stay in one spot alone.As i made a top i felt eyes on me watching,observing,admiring"staring will only make me dislike you.."I spoke softly looking down at the boy in the water below me"Your very.....beautiful...i mistook you for a female" the boy stood up and was way taller and more masculine then i was" i get that often....".I stare up at him as he only smirks gently"Rotxo.." i tilt my head and giggle"Rotxo who??..."I say confused before jumping back as he bends down between my legs" my Rotxo..."He says while holding open my legs"B-Bolin..." he laughed loudly before flopping next to me"Why are you doing such feminine chores when ive seen how fast you swim" he said making me blush"Oh've seen me swim?.."I look at him joyfully as he nods.

"My ive never seen even a water navi swim as fast as you" my tail swings gently as i chuckle lightly"oh my...thank healing so im just doing somthing untill i can swim again" i go back to making the top i saw his eyes drift down to my hips and loin cloth"Your cloth is beautiful did you make it yourself?"He says while gently caressing the string.My whole body heats up slightly"i make all my cloths...would you like me to make you one...?..."i look up to him innocently as his breath hitches in his throat"sure...." i smile and giggle before hearing my sister call me for lunch" i must go but lets say....later i can show you how to mmmm hehe Control that big fin you calk a tail" i say before caressing his cheek with mine and running to my sister.

Rotxos POV:

I sit in disbelief but joy knowing we will get to hang out more"ROTXO!" i sigh in frustration as i see Aoung and the oldest sully storm up to me with anger"What were you doing?!" aoung shouts while his friend just glares st me"I made a new friend with the pretty boy...problem?"I say leaping off the stone and onto the sand"Yes you cant speak to him"the boy behind him said sternly making me smirk"Ah i see....heh"I grinned as i sae Bolin return with materials for crafting a new loin cloth"Rotxo i thought of a ocean themed color-oh...hi"He says quickly before showing me the options of colors i can pick from"hmm why not somthing to match yours..."I say smirking at the boys"Really?!"Bolin asked with the happiest expression"go nuts^^"i responded as he ran to the rock to get working.

I turned back to the two"I dont want to take your little man if you'll excuse me...i must go tend to my friend?"i walk to Bolin and sit next to him as the two storm away angrily"youve got good talent" i said while seeing how focused he is"I hope to make stuff like this for my future children..."He looks up at me with such innocent and kind eyes" you'd...make a great mom...." he laughed and smiled at me"mom? you say it as if i can have a child myself silly" i cross my legs and lean back"well ewya works in mysterious ways..who knows" i say curling his tail around my arm and staring at him"Well lets not rush into things to fast hm....lets br be grateful that we met"He smiles again before continuing to make my loin cloth as i observe.

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