C H A P T E R - 1 5

186 18 12

Porsche pov~

Mr.Peter taps on my shoulder as he pushes his office kit's strap into his arm and puts his thumb over his shoulder as he points towards the door.

"We are going out for drinks,you wanna join?"he asks so humbly that I don't want to refuse him,but I am not really in a mood to drink.I pursue my lips into a thin line and shook my head in a denial.

"I am fine.Thanks!"I said,as I put my attention back to the screen in front of me.I have written nothing today,the draft is still where it was yesterday - I just can't believe what all is happening in life nowadays,it's been a week since we returned from Bangkok and a whole week since mine and Kinn's argument,haa!

He hasn't talked to me since that day,and so haven't I - but who to blame,I know I was too mad to react like that I said too much I admit that,but it's not that he is completely innocent,I was mad because of that stalker and somehow I vented it all out on Kinn,but I feel not at all relaxed.Screaming at Kinn is like summoning your death god,I don't like it when he gets angry,and the silent treatment is just too over the top - like come on,I am angry at you at least try to persuade me.

I threw myself back in the chair,and twirl it around this one thing relaxes me a little,how about a smoke?I feel so low,if I think about it - I haven't received any text from that person ever since my return,must be probably following me around.Dude,don't you have anything to do other than always following me around like a mad ghost.Ugh,it feels so annoying.I closed the window of the laptop as I placed my stuff back into the bag,and drew out the packet of cigarettes and the lighter.I shove my stuff into the coat's packet,as I lunged towards the stairs to reach the terrace - smoking over there gives a different kind of pleasure,I don't know why!




I leaned over the railing while I released a cloudy puff of smoke into the fresh air around me,the city under the building certainly seems satisfying from this angle,the streetlights looked dull with the bit of sunlight around,people and cars,everything looked kinda better from here then down there.

"Oh,we met again!"suddenly the bubble of me and my solitude bursts,I turn my head and glance over my shoulder and there he was - Connor!

"Uh,yes!"I replied while I shed my cigarette,I don't know ever since his and Kinn's argument I always felt awkward around him,however we were real good friends before that when we worked in the same compartment.Haa,good old days!

"How's work,you look kinda dull.."he says as he draws a stick out of his cigarette bundle,while I am just staring at him dumbfound,as soon as I realise that I quickly turn away and take a suck from my stick.

"Nothing I am working on the next draft.Just work stress"I dodge away the topic quickly,does that looks so obvious on my expression.

"That certainly doesn't seems work stress"he says and blows out a small puff facing the other direction.

"Huh?"I say that automatically.

"Is everything fine with you and Kinn?"he leans over the fence and looks down in the city,as I awkwardly stare at his left temple,how can he guess so randomly - but then of course,is there anything else in my life other than Kinn or this good for nothing job.

"It's all okay.."I say in a dry tone,it just comes out like that at the mere mention of Kinn,I throw the cigarette butt on the floor and twist it with the heel of my Chelsea.

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