3. Patient 101.

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Well, my first week here wasn't half bad actually.

So far I understand what is going on in all of my classes pretty well. I mean in engineering I am a little behind on the project I am working on but I plan to spend time during my lunches and after school to catch up. I'm excited. We are supposed to rebuild different types of engines and by the end we have to know what kind of engine we have been building and then present them. I have a few ideas on mine from what I have gotten done but Benny said I probably won't know till I get more parts put together.

He and all of the boys have been really great as well. I have been hanging out with them and they are all really funny and all of them have been really nice. Frank is still kind of a douche but he has been nicer. I feel bad for the girl he is going after. She has a handful coming her way. Mike is practically my best friend now, he refuses to let anyone work with me in yearbook. It's secretly because he hates everyone in there except me, but he just doesn't want me to make a new best friend.

That's probably not going to happen.

I still haven't met Ronan. All I see of him is when he pulls his car into the shop during lunches. I never even see his face because he disappears behind the tarps cover the doorway to another room. Which I was still curious to figure out what was in there? I know I will probably get stabbed if I tried to go back there though. Joey says he will introduce himself in time but right now he is just being isolated. I guess whatever he is doing is more important than human contact.

Probably not.

Anyways, people finally stopped starring. Thank god. So far no one has really been interested in interacting with me other than the guys. I don't have a class with Joey but I have Oceanology with Frank though. He is actually really smart; he has helped me out because the ocean confuses me.

It sucked it was now Sunday though. I had a good weekend to half relax. My brothers decided to pulls some pranks on me while I was trying to just relax yesterday. I only got some quiet when I locked myself in my room. I was still technically locked in my room; I was finishing up some Math and English homework. I also was doing some research on my engine; I was still trying to piece it together.

"Kendra? Are you okay in there hun?" I could hear my dad's voice say as he lightly knocked on the door. Happily I finished my math homework and shut my book with a sigh. I quickly jumped off my bed and trotted over to the door opening it.

"Yeah. I'm good, what's up?" I replied with a wide smile and I leaned against the door frame.

"I just wanted to see how you were settling in. I know we kind of sprung this on you and your siblings; just wanted to check on you." He had a concerned look on his face but he was still smiling.

I loved my dad and he hated when we have had to move for his job. He always feels bad but he works really hard and deserves everything he has gotten out of his job. He supports all of us and I couldn't be more thankful.

"I'm doing well. I'm actually really comfortable here, everything been going smoothly and I'm really close to finishing unloading everything." I said, turning around to look at the two boxes I still had sitting at the foot of my bed.

"Good, good. How has school been? Made any friends?"

"It's been really good actually, my engineering class has been amazing. Just thought I should let you know." A wide grin spread across his face immediately, "I have made a few friends. Mike, Frank, Cory, and Joey. They have been really great so far."

"I am so happy to hear you are doing so well. I told you engineering would be fun. Also, I can't help but notice all of these new friends are boys?" He raised an eyebrow and folded his arms. Oh dad.

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