18. There Is A Girl In There!

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I knew I wasn't the most attractive of sleepers.

I shifted around, I wiggled, I drooled, I usually woke up in some weird position. Once my sister and I had to share a bed and she says I kicked her four times. Given, I was sleeping so I don't remember this what so ever. I just wouldn't deny that it would happen. I was also a relatively deep sleeper as well, except for in the morning.

In the morning I am easy to wake up.

Even whispering can wake me up. When I woke up this morning I was spread out like a star. I could hear whispers behind the door. At first I was thinking that it was Collin and Brady trying to pull some prank on me. I was going to be pissed if they tried anything. That was when I suddenly smelt the slight scent of cucumber. I didn't have anything in my room that smelt like cucumber.

I was in Riders room.

Opened my eyes and I was blinded by the sun shining in through the window. I could hear whispers behind the door. I just pulled the blankets around me, I wanted to sleep in just a little bit longer. I didn't know what was going on but I didn't understand even why now they had to discuss this right outside the door. The whispers paused for a moment and I figured I could just fall asleep again.

I then heard the door creak open a bit, I was facing away from it though. There also came two gasps. The door creaked closed but I didn't hear it close all of the way.

"There is a girl in there!" I heard a girl's voice whisper in shock.

"Yes Ma, there is a girl in there." I could hear Riders voice whisper. I could imagine he had his arms folded over his chest.

"Well who is she?" I heard another voice say, a younger girl.

"She is someone very important." Rider said and he sounded like he stepped away from the door, "I don't want any of you scaring her off. Just be cool when she wakes up."

"Peter Hugh Ronan, I swear to god if you had sex under my roof last night-." Who I assumed was his mother started. Peter cut her off though. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing, I don't understand why people just assume we are having sex all of the time though. I mean teenagers do have self control.

Well I guess Frank is probably an exception to that rule.

"Mom no! It wasn't anything like that, she just brought me home and.." He stopped for a moment. I just cleaned him up, and made sure he was going to be all good.

"And?" Who I assumed was his sister, spoke.

"She just took care of me." He finally said. I could imagine him looking a bit unsettled. I know that it was a big step for him to let me help him last night. I know that isn't really a concept he is used too.

He is just used to doing everything alone.

"Oh that is so cute." His sister said again, "Can I go introduce myself to her?"

"No, I feel bad for last night. I want to let her get some sleep."

"Fine, but you can't stop me from meeting her. Who would have thought a girl could make my brother turn into pudding."

"Wait," his mom commented, "Is this that Kendra girl you mentioned a few weeks ago?"

Silence filled the air. Cat got his tongue.

"I will not confirm nor deny who is sleeping in my bed at the current moment." Rider defended.

"It is!" His sister gasped and I heard a few patting noises, I assume she was patting him on the arm in excitement. Jen does it all of the time to one of the boys when they have a crush. "She is the one you always talk to Benny about!"

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