13. Judgement is a Leap of Faith.

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Once again we come to another morning, but this is a Sunday morning on a three day weekend.

Thank heavens for that. Except my brothers had taken the liberty of playing soccer in the halls this morning and Mason would start screaming every time someone took the ball from him. That's what I could assume from the yelling, and I am pretty sure Brady pounded on mine and Jen's door just to wake us up. After about an hour of the yelling, I pulled my tattered haired make up running self, down the stairs.

Happily Mom was making pancakes and I think dad had a business meeting going on today. I heard him and mom talking about it last night. I had pulled out an island stool and I was barely holding my head up with my left arm. I could have fallen asleep right here but my stomach probably wasn't going to allow that.

"Someone did not wake up on the right side of the bed today." My mom commented and she just laughed at me. I knew I probably looked questionable for the morning. This is my house; I can look however I want.

"Why do the boys have to have Sunday soccer matches?" I groggily spoke and a plate of pancakes was set in front of me.

"You used to love playing with the boys." She said and she flipped more pancakes on the stove, there were a few extra pancakes sitting off to the side. I grabbed the syrup and made a smiley on my top pancake.

"When I was like ten, then I got boobs and cars became much more interesting than sports." I took a lazy bite out of my pancake and I knew I was a sight for sore eyes.

"You have always been like the boys; I was the one for sports remember? Your father was the one with cars. I honestly thought it would be the other way around, you would like sports and the boys would love cars. I should have known that you would get your fathers traits, you two are almost exactly alike." She shook her head, and it was true.

Once dad caught me looking through his engine manuals he had in his office it was suddenly a different world.  I was his hope for passing on his car wisdom. Given, I actually learned to love it and I still love it. I was suddenly the spark and I have always been a lot like my dad but I have got my mom's fire that's for sure.

"Cars are fun and they don't require a lot of physical excursion. I'm not about that life." I shrugged and I scratched the back of my head and I played with the bun falling off the side of my head.

"Speaking of not about a certain life, how are things with that Peter boy? You father didn't scare him off did he?" My mom looked at me and she has a small smile pulling at one side of her lips.

"There isn't anything to tell about Peter Mom." She just gave me a pointed look. My mom knew when there was something else on the plate I wasn't showing her.

"Kendra, tell me what's going on with that boy." I sighed and I put down my fork.

"Fine, but there really isn't much to tell. He just kind of admitted that he wouldn't mind taking me out sometime." I said and I picked on my nail.

"He asked you out?" I heard Jen's voice come from behind me. She didn't look too fantastic this morning either.

"Can I finish my story?" I continued and put a piece of pancake in my mouth and Jen placed herself down next to me.

"When? If you don't want him I will take him! He's really cute!" She bounced in her seat and I just laughed.

"Trust me you aren't his type."

"Also a bit young." My mom raised an eyebrow at Jen, and Jen just waved us both off.

"What makes you think he wouldn't want me? I mean he likes you." I glared at her but then rolled my eyes.

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