7. Bite Me.

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The weekend is made for sleeping.

It's not made for people to show up at your door at nine in the morning. Well on this lovely Saturday morning when I was welcomed with Mason coming into my room.

"Kendra! Kendra! Kendra!" I could faintly hear from my sleeping state of mind until I felt his body weight flop onto me.

"Oh god," I groaned as he jumped up and down on my back. Goodbye back, I will miss you keeping me up straight.

"Kendra! Get up!" he spoke and he started rolling himself all over me, he calls it steam rolling.

"Mason, I am trying to sleep go bother Collin." I groaned and I held the pillow over my head and I could feel his weight press onto my lungs and I let out a grunt.

"No! There is someone at the door for you."

"Why would someone be here for me?" I said and lifted the pillow off my head and I glanced at him. I had to blink a few times until he wasn't just a blur of color anymore.

"There were three boys and a girl. Why would boys want to hang out with you? You have cuties." He made a disgusted faced and I laughed a little bit. I pulled myself out of the bed and then I licked my hands and I wiped it on Mason's arm. He screamed and he looked horrified.

"Now you have girl cuties." I smiled and he immediately started running away wiping his arm. I laughed as I followed him out of the room and he went straight to mom and dad's room.

"Mommy! Mommy! Kendra gave me cuties." He cried and was slapping his hands against the door. I knew mom was not going to be happy with that reaction.

"Mason, let mom and dad sleep!" I whisper yelled at him but he just stayed there and looked scared of me. I leaned against the railing looking down into the entryway while Mason then let himself into their room.

"How many people are in this house?" I heard a voice come from downstairs. I glanced over the railing to see Mimi standing with the three stooges. I just looked at them blankly, why were they here. No, why were they even up.

"What do you want?"

"Aw Kendra don't be like that." Frank spoke and he had a smug grin on his face. I rolled my eyes and folded my arms and I began to walk down the stairs.

"I say again, what do you guys want?"

"Idiot one, two, and three over here wanted to take us to lunch. They threw me out of my bed, be glad they didn't come and do the same to you." Mimi said and she gave them the deadliest look. I smiled and shook my head; it was only like nine fifteen. It was still breakfast, maybe brunch.

"What are we even going to do?" I asked.

"Go get food, what else?' Joey spoke up.

"It's Saturday. We wanted to have fun." Mike said as he poked my side.

"Yeah but its nine thirty. I was sleeping you idiots." One by one I went and hit them on the back of their heads. Mimi just laughed as she followed me into the kitchen, and I also assumed the boys followed.

"Well if you aren't going to leave do you want to make us breakfast." I heard Joey say and when I looked at him he had a pouty face.

"Joey I have six siblings." I said with a big grin on my face, "I don't fall for that bullshit." I said and I slapped his cheek and then I continued to the fridge opening and pulling out a carton of orange juice and just drank from it. They had all taken their places around the island.

"That's attractive." Frank spoke and I glared at him as I wiped my mouth.

"This is my house I don't have to be attractive. Hence the Eeyore pajama pants." I said and I glanced towards the adorable pants I didn't want to change out of. My room was the coldest at night so I didn't have a problem wearing layers to bed.

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