16. Fair Fight.

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I fell asleep in English this morning.

I had been up pretty late last night working on my room a bit. I didn't get very far. I only got the tape up around everything and I created a design I wanted. After that I just kind of past out and that was at about three a.m. I had been walking so to engineering, in the a better mood because I was going to see Rider but I was stopped my Joey standing in front of the classroom door.

"Joey? What are you doing on this side of the building don't you have photography now?" I asked him and he looked at me, that's when I noticed the worries look on my face.

"I was just coming to check on Peter, have you seen him today?"

He wasn't here? Odd.

"No I haven't. Why, did something happen?" I set my stuff on the ground and I folded my arms and studied him.

"It's nothing Kendra I will see you later." He said and he just solemnly walked away I was about to say something but I didn't have time. I picked up my stuff and I went into the shop room.

Something was going on today, the guys in my class already started working. I walked over to my station and began to right down some of the steps of what I was going to do next. My mind wandered several times, I didn't have any focus. Was he sick? Did he get hurt? Did he just fall off of the face of the earth suddenly? I was tempted to text Mike and see if he knew anything, usually he would. I looked to the room where he usually keeps himself locked away and I didn't really see if hear anyone moving around.

Maybe he was sick.

If he was I would love to go and see him to see if he was okay. We have a date today, I would completely understand if he had to cancel it though. I would just want to know why. I felt a series of buzzes coming from my pocket, I pulled out my phone and I had received a text from mom and several from Mike and Frank.

Mike: Have you seen Peter today?

Mike: It's important.

Frank: Kendra is Peter with you? We haven't seen him all day.

Frank: He isn't answering anyone's phone calls. We figured he is probably with you because he is so in loooooove with you ;)

Frank: really though. Answer me because we need to know.

Mike: Woman answer me or Frank now.

I furrowed my eyebrows together. So no one knew where he was? I could feel a bit of anxiety welling up inside of me, I knew he probably was okay, but he wasn't answering anyone's calls. So where was he?

Me to Mike: No I haven't seen him today. Why isn't he answering anyone's calls?

Me to Frank: He doesn't love me and I have no idea where he is. What is going on? You, Joey, and Mike have all been asking me? Am I out of the loop on something?

A few moments past before they both answered at the same time.

Mike: I will fill you in later. Just see if you can get ahold of him okay?

Frank: Don't worry about it doll face.

I huffed and I shoved my phone back into my pocket. Thanks guys, it's not like he isn't important to me too, I would like to be aware of the situation but I guess that isn't going to happen. I set down some of the papers I had been working on and I ran my hands over my face. The thing is I did get just a really weird vibe waking up today, like I knew something was off. I didn't listen to my gut, and I always mess up when I don't listen to my gut.

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