11. Meet The Fam.

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Usually girls normally bring home boyfriends to meet the family.

No that is never my case. I have only had one relationship in the past and luckily he only had five minutes to meet my family and not and entire dinner. You see Rider had the lovely opportunity of falling victim to this trap, and I honestly felt bad for him because this was going to be a long dinner. I had decided to help my mother fix dinner and he had just been chatting to both of us because my mother wanted to talk to him. I wasn't very fond of the idea.

I decided to take notice of some things while they were talking though. I mean I had to stay quiet but they did most of the talking anyway. My mother had given me advice on boys, and I decided to take the opportunity to observe Rider. I first started with the feet theory. The whole time his feet had been pointed in my direction. He also had found any excuse to buy me or get close to me. It was interesting because he was just going down the list of stuff she said a boy would do. It freaked me out a little bit because it's like I knew and I didn't know how to act around him.

This is why I don't get involved with people. It just gets messy. I also think my mother noticed his actions as well and she would nudge me. I would then nudge her back and then we would just get into a battle of elbows. It hurts after a few minutes.

When dinner had gotten set and everyone was at the table, that is when interrogation began.

"So Peter," my father started and he had begun to pile food into his plate, "are you from here?"

"Yes sir, I have lived here all of my life." Rider responded and he seemed pretty calm but I wasn't sure how his mood would progress through the night. I was also kind of glad I was placed across from him so I could kick him if he said something wrong.

"Interesting. So you are going to school, do you do anything else?" My dad asked and he was staring Rider down, but it didn't seem affect Rider in anyways. It almost seemed like he had done this before.

"I actually work in a mechanics shop off of Cloverdale." That was a good answer, dad loves cars and he will like that Rider is good with cars. The racing not so much.

"You are a mechanic?"

"Yes sir." Rider nodded. My father then laced his hands together and placed his elbows on the table. I knew my dad, and I knew he had many questions to ask. I just didn't know in what order.

"Have you and Kendra kissed yet?" I heard Jen from beside me and I glared at her.

"Jen!" My mother scolded her.

"It's a valid question." Kirk then added.

I just shook my head slowly and contemplated that. It really was not a valid question. I honestly wish I could step in and say something.

"Grasshopper and I are just friends." Rider said then realized he call me Grasshopper and not Kendra and I we all got looks from around the table.

"Grasshopper?" My mother asked and she raised an eyebrow at me as she picked at her roll.

"Yeah we have nicknames for each other." Rider spoke.

"That's so adorable." Jen squealed and I hit her with my elbow but she punched my arm back.

"No fighting at the table." Mom added and we stopped.

"So what is Kendra's nickname for you?" Collin asked and I threw him a sideways glance. Why was he interested all of the sudden? Rider almost seemed more intimidated my Collin then he did dad.

"She calls me Rider."

"Rider?" Brady asked and looked at me and all I could do was smile.

"Yeah it's kind of weird and I don't understand her reasoning for it but she thought it suited me." He said and then looked at me for help. I shrugged because I can't even defend myself or even talk.

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