20. Thirty-four

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People show up when you don't want them too.

The world sometimes I feel likes to mess with me. The universe knows I'm my mind what I least want in the world. It knows what I feel hatred towards and it knows what I few joy for. Then I feel like it listens to all of the bad things that race through my mind, and it pulls them out and throws them into my reality. It's one of those times that I am thankful that most of my nightmares can't come true, because of the supernatural. This was a close second. A close devil that was erupted from hell. One still with a big purple bruise lining up his cheek, and a cut just on his eyebrow.

Jay Clark was the devil invited into my home.

Ironically by my own father in fact.

I was stood frozen in the doorway, the chill spring air brushed past me, but what really made the goosebumps on my arms rise was the smile spread across Jay's face. From the outside perspective it would look like a respectable smile, a smile you greet people with. No. This was a smile of knowing. Jay knew about this, he knew exactly where he was coming to dinner tonight. It looked as almost if he planned it out himself. I wanted to spit in his face and slam the door.

No, I should spit in his face and slam the door.

Except Dad came around the corner behind me just before I would even get a word out.

"Thomas Clark, good to see you." Dad spoke, and circled so I could see his face. I had seen this look before, it was unpleasant but fake. He seemed to not want to do this dinner either, but he shook the man's hand politely and turned to Jay. Holding out his hand, "And you must be Jay, I believe?"

"That you are correct sir. Nice to meet you Mr. Benson." I snorted at how fake he was being. I hoped dad saw right through it. The little weasel.

"We'll come on in, this is my daughter Kendra. All of the others are running around somewhere," I smiled politely and shook hands with Thomas and sent daggers towards Jay, "dinner should be ready in a few minutes, Thomas you can join me in the study for a drink and we can start discussing business plans."

"Of course." Thomas spoke and he followed dad towards the study. Jay and I were left both standing in the entry. I had planned my escape up to my room and immediately turned my heel to him.

"Awe you are already giving up your good girl act? What's the matter? Too afraid of the big bad wolf?" I heard Jay speak and I immediately stopped in my tracks. His taunting wouldn't work this time.

"Actually this little lion is too bored to play with her food anymore."

"Awe come on Kendra. I mean, how rude of you to leave your house guest all alone."

"You are not my guest, got that?" I scowled at him, "You are my dad's guest. I do not welcome you into my home, and I most certainly did not welcome you into my life. I don't have to attend to you because I should be throwing you out on your ass." He didn't even flinch, he didn't even stutter with his devilish smile,

"Feisty tonight aren't we?"


"I don't understand Kendra. I mean I have done absolutely nothing wrong." He titled his head the side and placed his hand over his heart. I should punch him again.

"Did nothing wrong?" I took a step forward and he was forced to take a step back, "You stalked my family, my friends, and me. You threatened there lives. You threatened Peter's, and that is not something I will idly let slide by. You have done more wrong then you seem to care for."

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