8. Rider and Grasshopper

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( Some of the facts I get about how boys place themselves with girls I get from his guide. There a few parts to it http://www.quotev.com/story/4037684/Guys-Body-Language-When-They-Like-You/ )

I have a bad habit of running late.

Now I don't try too, but sometimes I like that five extra minutes of sleep in the morning. School has to ruin that sweet sweet serenity for me. Well this morning was one of those mornings, and of course the only shirt I had clean was the shirt Peter gave to me. Of course today was a day I also had shop class. My day was starting in the best of ways.

I had done a little research on his crash last night though. I was really curious; I even found a video online that showed what had happened. I remember I had been wary about pressing play, but I needed to know the reality of what actually happened. When I had pressed play though, I wish I hadn't.

The car just kept rolling, and I am pretty sure that section lasted two minutes. It was horrible and every time I blink it brings me it all back. When the car had stopped it was on far and upside down. All you could see was a figure running towards it. They had literally ripped and kicked the door off of the car and then dragged Peter out of it. It was heart breaking, because the other person just held Peter in his arms and was holding onto him so tight.

The video then ended after you could clearly see Peter go completely unconscious.

I could understand a little bit more about why it was a touchy subject to bring up. I probably won't bring it up again for a while, or unless I need to bring it up. Maybe Peter will tell me in time what happened, if you know he sets his personality aside for a moment. It wasn't my place to judge him I guess, because in the video it showed a little bit of the race and from what I could see Peter was amazing. He knew how to move the car and he kept the car behind him in line for every second of the race.

This is the reason I slept in this morning though, I was up till about two looking at articles about the crash. There were so many different theories that I was too intrigued to go to sleep. So when an angry mother came into my room this morning had no choice but to rush and use the only shirt that was nearest to me. When I did get to school, I ended up being twenty minutes late and my English teacher, of course, didn't bother with me when I came in the door. He then proceeded to be the most boring English teacher on the planet, the same girl that left last time left again.

I still want to die going into that class.

Engineering had just started and I wasn't really fully awake to do anything. I was just sitting on a creeper and rolling back and forth trying to wake up. I'm pretty sure the rolling was just making me fall asleep even faster. I eventually stood up and stretched my legs a little bit, and then I saw Benny looking at me from his desk but he was looking at me. He looked almost unnerved but not by me but my shirt.

It might be because of the wholes, and it wasn't even my shirt. The holes weren't my fault. I then noticed Benny was coming my way and he looked almost determined and I stood taller and started messing with stuff that made it actually look like I was working.

"I hope you don't take this to be offensive or weird any kind of way Kendra but, where did you get that shirt?" He asked and he seemed kind of shaky in his tone.

"I got it from Peter. He let me borrow it two Saturdays ago." I said and I set down a wrench I really had no use for whatsoever.

"Why didn't you give it back to him?

"I never had the opportunity too. I don't really see him that much." Except for recently.

"Well you should have given it back. It's his and it's important." He said and he snapped a little bit and he stepped forward and I had to take it back.

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