5. Peter Ronan, Thanks for the Shirt.

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"Need a shirt?"

The voice came from behind me, I blinked, and I looked over my shoulder. The voice came from a familiar looking boy leaning against a railing that sat on it's and looked like it could crumble under his weight. He had his arms folded over his chest and he looked at me as he expected a yes. He had slightly messy blonde hair, like he had been running his hands three it. He also had piercing green eyes, they showed genuine concern. My first initial thought was, dude I don't even know you. Get out.

"I'm fine, thank you." I then turned my attention back to the sky. I rubbed my arms and I could myself shiver when a gust of wind flew by me. I could feel the chill from my head to my toes.

"I have a shirt I can give you. It wouldn't be much of a hassle." I could hear his footsteps. I leaned away from the pull and I turned my body to face him.

"It's nice of you to offer but I am actually waiting for a friend. She can just take me home." I smiled, and he raised an eyebrow at me. He eyed my shirt and then he gaze met mine again.

He probably could see how cold I was, I was being pretty obvious about my shivering. I then watched as he tugged the jacket he had on and threw it around my shoulders, given I was already wearing a jacket. It was helping because I didn't want to get it wet by covering the front of my shirt. I looked at him in disbelief, all he had on what a normal T-shirt, he was going to freeze!

"I can't take your jacket you will get cold." I said softly and I almost took it off but then he tied the strings together at the top. I laughed a little and he just had a boyish grin.

"Keep it on. I don't want you getting cold, and besides I'm actually really warm." He shrugged and stuffed his hand into his front pants pockets.

"It doesn't change the fact that I still smell like tequila, I'm wet, and I'm probably still going to get sick." I said I tugged the jacket material around me more.

"Just come with me, I have a shirt in my car. I don't mind you taking it. It's at least dry." He gave me as to say I know he is right and it's a better option than going home in this, and getting a long lecture from my mother.

"I don't know." I said and half frowned, I didn't know him. I didn't want to go with him to his car. I mean yeah a shirt would be nice but I feel like I would owe him something.

"Look, I realize you don't know me. You are probably thinking, this dude could be a rapist for all I know. I promise, I'm not a rapist and I heard you talking to yourself, I know you friend isn't coming. So please, let me give you my extra shirt because I would feel very guilty know I left a girl in the cold; never to be sure if she got home safely and never to know if she had gotten sick or not." He held one of his hands to me; I eyed it for a moment. I gave him an uneasy look and his eyes were soft. He flicked his eyes between me and his hand.

I sighed and I hesitantly placed my hand into his. He locked his fingers around mine and he started to drag me behind him. He pulled me along, and I had to keep up because his strides were significantly longer than mine. I then noticed that we were going to have to push our way through the crowd of people that were dancing and drinking and being stupid, again. Before I could react he whipped me around and placed me in front of him.

"Just keep moving." I heard him say into my ear and I felt his hand placed on the small of my back pushing me forward.

Everyone around us was running around and moving everywhere but he kept with me. I then began to observe. Most people were crowding around the cars and guys that were standing in front of them. There was small trail between all of the groups. I looked around I couldn't help but notice that eyes were on us. It was weird; a lot of guys who looked like they could also be racers were watching us going by them. I kept my eyes low and I tried not to stare if I caught someone looking at us. A lot of girls caught notice of us s well.

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