10. Dinner Would Be Lovely.

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I hate people.

I also think I am the only one. They just show up when you don't want them too. Especially in my life, the people I tend to not enjoy show up very often. It bothers me and I can't understand it. I'm a good kid, and I do nothing wrong so why give me people I hate?

Today on this list was Jay Clark.

"What do you want Jay?" I spoke but I didn't turn around to face him. He wasn't worth the time.

"Aw don't be like that honey." He spoke and I heard his footsteps move around me until he placed himself in front of me.

"I will be like that. What do you want?" I said and I gave him a hardened look and folded my arms.

"I don't think it is such a crime to just want to talk to a pretty girl like you." He said and he placed his hand under my chin but I batted it away. I wasn't in the mood and I really did need to pee.

"Where are your henchmen this time?" I asked and I glanced around. They weren't anywhere in sight but I knew they had to be close. He smiled and he came close into my ear.

"They are keeping your boys in line." He spoke lowly and I turned myself around in the direction of the guys.

Surly enough there were the henchmen, they were talking to the guys about something and they didn't seem so amused by it. Rider kept glancing my way and his eyes were steady. I then saw him trying to mouth something but I couldn't make it out until I tested it with my mouth.


Well how is that supposed to help me stupid?

I turned back to Jay and he just had a smile. I don't know what he wants and quite honestly I feel he is just as confusing as Rider is. This was either going to be a long night or it was going to end with me punching Jay.

I guess we will find out.

"Okay, but what do you want with me?" I asked again and he just placed an arm around my shoulder.

"Kendra I honestly thought after the last time you were here you would just run off. I thought I might have freaked you out," he spoke and he started to drag me away and that made me nervous, "I underestimated you. You are pretty tough and I think this kind of world will fit you. Doesn't involve a lot of girls unless they are here for sex."

"Get to your point Jay. I don't have a lot of time and I am a very busy girl." I smiled coldly and immediately dropped it. All I really had to do was pee and watch a race but still. I hadn't realized how far away we had gotten and I looked back and the guys weren't in sight. Well shit.

"Kendra, I am sure your boys, as well as Peter, haven't explained to you how involved in this world they are." He began, "You see this world is full of danger, adventure, money, and racing. They are involved in all of it, and money is the big one. Money runs the world, of course they are, but my dear Kendra you are putting yourself in a spot where you can easily get blamed. Yes they might have Peter but they don't have my connections." He smiled slyly down to me and I just raised an eyebrow at home.

"Which means...?"

"If one of them gets in trouble it's on your whole crew. You especially. Woman get blamed a little more in this world as well. They are supposed to be the sensible ones and not the distraction. You are putting yourself in a very bad spot with them. I'm sure you have already heard the whispers." I blinked and he just kept the same smile on his face.

"There have been whispers about me?"

"Oh of course. Kendra, many girls would love to be in your position right now. That group is so particular about who is in it. They didn't even let Cory in for a long time. They are so closed minded and you walked into it like it was nothing, and people are talking. They want to know who you are, and they all want you. People have seen you walking around with Peter and he doesn't get involved with girls and the fact you just walked in like it was nothing bothers everyone."

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