21. Twenty eight

26 4 1

I was still a little messed up from a couple of days ago.

Jay looked me cold in the eyes and said, thirty four. No context. Just thirty four, as if it was the meaning of something bad. With everything that has happened in the last couple of days all I have wanted to do was avoid going outside. I wanted to make sure I knew where my family was at all times and make sure none of them were going to get hurt, or maybe even worse. I know I need to look out for my friends too but my family comes first.

Sorry guys.

I knew I couldn't stop living my life either. I knew I couldn't let Jay control everything. If I suddenly stop showing up places, that gives him the advantage to believe that he won. It would also give him an opportunity to maybe hurt Rider and I wouldn't be there to be able to stop him. Something was wrong though. The pictures targeted me. The target is on my head right now. So I have to wonder what did he want with me. He has already threatened me multiple times and I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared.

I decided I needed to go to school though. I needed to keep moving forward and I had a bunch of work that piled up from the days I already missed. I knew I looked bad though, I probably looked sleep deprived more than anything, it was just from the worry though and just being paranoid that someone is always following me. I haven't seen anything but people can hide in plain sight. I knew Jay wouldn't be the one directly watching me but probably most of the people he had payed off. Rider has been watching me like a hawk as well. Some days he insists bringing me and my siblings to school just to know for sure we are safe.

It was sweet but I didn't want him to worry like he has been.

We were all at lunch together today though. For everyone else it was business as usual. Rider was really the only one who knew about what Jay was doing and Mike only knows briefly about everything and about the thirty four thing. I didn't tell Rider that part yet because I wasn't quite sure myself just yet. I was definitely distracted though. Rider went out to get us both something to eat so I was mostly just listen to the others talk.

"I think we need to just take this race but maybe boot the Jones twins." Benny said but he seemed rather distracted with some project packets he was grading.

"No, Jones twins cheat though. Not always but they do when they know they have something big to lose?" Cory spoke up bu his mouth was full with food.

"Yes but they lack in driving tactic so it would be almost too easy. We need challenge and the two others are better options." Joey spoke up.

"What does Kendra think?" Benny directed the conversation to me. He noticed I was being a little quiet I wasn't really engaged in class today and he took notice. I wasn't sure what to say I always heard them discuss this stuff but I was never one to be brought into conversation.

"Oh, I'm definitely not one to ask." I tried to make as little of eye contact.

"Alright, what's going on?" Benny immediately stopped.

"Nothing is going on."

"Bullshit." Frank jumped in.

"It's not."

"Kendra, Ronan isn't here. Tell us what is going on. If he won't let us help maybe you will. What happened no one is letting us in the loop." Frank scooted his chair close to mine and was looking at me intently.

"Guys, honestly let me and Rider worry about this."

"No. We are a team and teams stick together." Joey stood from his seat and folded his arms. He was right but still I didn't want them getting hurt. I sighed and looking around to make sure Rider wasn't going to pull into the shop any second.

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