9. Patience Is Weird.

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You know how you have good teachers and bad teachers right?

Well Peter Ronan is definitely a late teacher.

He decided to finally text me after days and all he said was.

'Main Street burgers on 7th street.'

That didn't give me much. I pretty much had to guess a time myself. I also ended up putting him in as Rider on my phone. I put a few emojis by his name as well, and I kind of wished I had a flipping off emoji because that describes how I feel about him sometimes. I then ended up getting to the place at one and I have been waiting for him to reply since. It was Friday and I assumed he would be here right after school. I also forgot I get out early on B-Days and he could probably get out on the normal time.

I don't know.

He was definitely late though. I mean I can handle waiting and hour in my car, or even going and driving somewhere and then coming back. He was late even though it was past time he was supposedly supposed to be here. I was just assuming. I had been waiting by the side of my car and I had just kept and eye out for that familiar camaro. So far the beautiful car was not in sight, and if I could I would totally steal it from him. I mean who wouldn't want too? It was a classic car, I would sell my soul for a class car like that.

Just as I was about to get in my car to warm myself up from the nipping cold outside, I heard the roar of his engine. I lifted my eyes up and I watched him pull into the parking lot, and the slush crunching under his tires as he pulled up his car next to mine. I was saddened when he turned the engine off. When he got out of the car and he greet me with smile. Unusual for him especially. I politely greeted him with a smile as well.

"I didn't think you would actually show up." He spoke and he slammed his door closed and paved over to me.

"I am a very determined person when it comes to learning, and I am very good about keeping my word." I responded quickly and leaning away from my car door. He was looking at my car though before he looked at me.

"You haven't painted your car yet." I didn't even think he would remember something like that.

"I haven't gotten around to it yet. Now Rider, where do we start with this learning process?" I asked and I clapped my hands together. He didn't have an expression and he turned around and started walking away. The thing was, he didn't even go into the restaurant he went past it and he was walking down the street. I quickly followed after him.

He still said nothing.

"Is this supposed to be a part of one of the lessons or are you just messing with me?" I asked and I folded my arms and I had to step quicker to keep up with his long strides.

"When was the last time you just sat in silence grasshopper?" He asked quickly and looked directly at me but kept his pace.

"I don't know. I live in a big house with a lot of people. It doesn't really get too silent too often anywhere I go." I shrugged.

"What about when you are driving. Do you sit in silence then?"

"No I usually listen to music or have something at least going on."

"The first step into learn about me is knowing how to be patient. Without silence, you can't be patient. The thing is grasshopper you have a temper. One that has a very very short fuse and I seem to set it off. Easily." I nodded along as he spoke. It was true I had a weirdly short fuse and I couldn't explain it. I think I get that kind of temper from my my dad. He sometimes has a short fuse.

"So you are going to show me how to grow a longer fuse?" I raised an eyebrow in his direction.

"In a sense, but I live by three virtues in life. Well I guess not virtues, more like. The three steps of living life right." He said as we came into a clearing. The field was mostly dead grass the ground kind of mushed under me. The sun was out but everything was still rather wet. I was confused what we were doing, and more rather where he was taking me.

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