6. You Confuse Me. Now Don't protect Me.

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You know how sometimes you don't want to talk about something that has happened to you? Then someone won't leave you alone until they know everything?

Mike was like this all week since the party. I wasn't really in the mood to talk about what Jay had talked to me about; I kind of just wanted to leave it at what it was. I was most likely never going to see him again, and I quite frankly didn't want too. Rich boys like him make me want to gag. I should take a step back to when I got home, everyone had questions.


I unlocked the front door and Mimi and I stumbled in the door. She was hunched over and her eyes looked at me crazy and she had a giant smile. I began to push her along into the kitchen, and she was giggling like a maniac. I knew most of my family was asleep, I looked at the clock and it was ten after eleven. I wasn't late so I couldn't get in trouble, but Ms. drunk out of her mind was going to rat me out about where we actually were.

"Kendra, let's go out!" Mimi spoke loudly and I had to slap my hand over her mouth.

"No, we are going to stay here and you are going to sleep in my room. You also need to be quiet; my family is trying to sleep." I whispered. Before I could even do anything she escaped from my arms and went back to the entryway. She was waving her arms, how was she this fast all of the sudden?

"Oh Benson family!" she began yelling and running up the stairs, "Wake up wake up wake up!"

"Mimi shut up!" I yelled at her, and I almost tripped on one of the steps going up the stairs.

She ran up and down the halls pounding on the walls. I ran my fingers through my hair in panic and just needed to catch her. I cornered her at the end of the hall and she had a devilish smile. I then heard a series of doors opening through the upstairs hall.

God damn it.

I slowly turned around and I had my face scrunched up, and I was anticipating the scolding I was going to get. I saw my mom and dad standing just outside their door looking at me, eyebrows raised and arms folded. Collin was stood leaning against his door frame with and amused smile, he knew I was in for it now. Jen looked angry with her hair still in a bun falling off of the side of her head. Kirk was still half asleep almost falling over in his place.

"Who is making that noise?" Brady complained as he whipped his door open and then came to a stop in his tracks. He smirked as well; they all knew I was going to get in trouble now. I sighed and waited for my parents to speak.

"Benson family!" Mimi stepped around from behind me, "You all look so lovely on this evening. Now I have to admit something." She held her finger up and then she stopped and I looked at her and she suddenly looked queasy.

I couldn't react quickly enough because she then turned around and puked in one of the plants sitting in the hall. My parent's faces scrunched up in disgust and I covered my face with my hands, I'm going to have to clean that up later. I looked at them through my fingers and I gave an apologetic look, I then patted Mimi on the back and she then stood up straight up and smiled.

"As I was saying," she wiped her mouth and wiped it on my jacket sleeve, I suddenly felt very queasy as well. "I am going to pass out now. Mrs. Benson." She said and walked over to my dad and placed a hand on his shoulder, "You are very beautiful mam, and Mr. Benson," she turned to my mom, "You look so fit."

"Okay that's enough from you." I said and I quickly grabbed her arm and dragged her to my room.

I quickly put her down on the bed and threw an extra blanket I had on top of her, she immediately was out. I sighed in relief and I went back to the hall, everyone was looking at me. Waiting for an explanation. I rubbed the back of my neck and debated on starting with the party or the fact that there was alcohol, either way I was probably going to get grounded.

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