A Word About What The Heck Is Happening.

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Hi everyone. It is me the author of this wonderful story. Yes I know it has literally been an actual lifetime since this story has been updated. I'm very very sorry honestly.  I hit a spot in my life where I got into a relationship with a person who took a lot of my passions away from me and this happened to be one of them. My love and desire to write. My love and desire to story tell. To communicate with people who love the same. 

Enough about my relationship though. That horrible human is gone now. I am back and I am better than ever. So I am addressing you readers to tell you yes I ill be updating Rider from here on. Yes I will be making trailers again. Yes I will be continuing the letter pact and yes I will be making many many more stories and be making many many more stories. I have had many ideas set aside for years that I NEED to continue. That I NEED to get started because I have held onto them for so long. As well as I am out of high school so i can do a bit more with my stories.

Also, this is important. I am going to be editing this story. Don't get me wrong I love it but don't get me wrong the writing is not great. Let's be honest. 16 year old me did not do a good job. I also wrote a lot of chapters on my phone. So that's good. Don't get me wrong the chapters are going to stay along the same concepts and probably the same things are going to happen but then will just be modified in writing as well as the character development might be a little different than before. Not major don't worry but I want you guys to get to know the other a little bit more like I have. Like how I've always wanted to portray them. 

So from here forward, the story will be continued to be updated but the earlier chapters will be as well so look out for that. The plot will be a little more solid and the language might be a little more crude as well as the content. I'm just older as a person and as a writer and I just feel it needs to be updated. Not too much in the earlier stuff will change maybe edits to  minor plot points but most likely new things will be happening earlier on. So get excited for that. The only chapter I probably won't edit is the prologue. The prologue will stay the same until I finish the book and then I will fix it. I don't know. We will see. 

Anyways, I love you guys, thanks for sticking around. Look forward to seeing you in the future.

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