12. Kissed Cheek = Feelings.

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I have only ever had one relationship and it didn't end in the best of ways.

            It probably ended in one of the worst case scenarios ever. I don't want to talk about that though. What happened with Rider seemed to be a moment though, and honestly the last thing I ever expected from Rider was a kiss on the cheek. I swear I sat on the roof for another half an hour trying to figure out what had happened. Was it supposed to mean something?

Oh my god, was Frank right?

I will not live in a world where Frank is right. I refuse to have that.

I wasn't sure what it was supposed to be. I don't know of any friends who kiss each other on the cheek just because. I mean I know in Europe they do that, but I am pretty positive Rider is not European. I mean he said he has only ever lived here so I am assuming that is not what it was. Even at school it was interesting because I think he wasn't sure what he did either, and that caused him to avoid me.

I also did the same to him. There was an awkward moment yesterday where he came out of the back room at the lunch and I was just roaming around looking for something Mike asked me to get. We ended up running into each other and both just stood there awkwardly looking at each other with stupid expressions. The thing is Joey saw our awkward exchange and he hasn't shut up about it since.

It was stuck in the back of my mind for a few days, and Mimi began to notice that something had been bothering me, and it came up in art where I was sitting with her on the grass and I hadn't made any progress.

"Kendra?" I heard Mimi speak and I looked to my right at her and she was squinting her eye, she was trying to read me.

"Yes Mimi?"

"What's wrong?" She said and bumped her shoulder against mine and she went back to painting. She had a new painting going now and it was even prettier than the last one.

"What does it mean if a boy kisses you cheek out of the blue?" I asked and Mimi suddenly stopped everything and shuffled on the grass so she was facing me. She placed her elbows on her knees and she held up with both of her hands, she had some major crazy eyes going on.

"Talk. Now." She spoke forcefully.

"Well," I paused and I wasn't sure if I wanted her to know if it was Rider or not, I cleared my throat. "I was hanging out with someone last Friday, and he kissed me on the cheek-." Mimi cut me off.

"Mike?" She asked and her eyes widened but I immediately shook my head no.

"No. Well he kissed me on the cheek and it was kind of... sudden. It was the last thing I expected from him honestly. I don't know I'm not really sure what it means, and ever since me and... the guy have been kind of awkward around each other." I explained and I shifted back and forth and I was just playing with the chalk pastels in my hands.

"What do you think it meant?" She asked and I had no idea whatsoever.

"I don't know."

"Is it Joey?" She leaned in more and rolled my eyes and shook my head again.

"Not Joey."

"Did he kiss your cheek goodbye?" She raised an eyebrow and I nodded, "Well it sounds like this guy probably has a tiny crush on you. That was his first step in letting you know."

I swallowed and I felt nervous. What happened to 'Peter isn't into girls.' 'Peter doesn't get involved with girls.' 'Peter thinks they are a distraction.' What happened to all of that crap? Was that just his buddies' wing manning him? I'm so confused.

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