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The park was perfectly shaded, the trees giving the group some privacy as they set up. Markie still securely held in his Appa's strong arms while his Hyungies unpacked the picnic and his Baba unpacked some of his toys. He laid his head on his Appa's broad shoulder and let out a happy sigh.

"Oh, is my little Markie tired?" Appa asked. His voice doing that funny thing he did before he started tickling the Little. Markie had no time to prepare before he was gently laid on the ground and Appa was gently tickling his sides and tummy. Markie couldn't help but laugh, his smile growing wider as his Baba joined in. Having their attention felt like heaven. He loved when both of them paid attention to him, it didn't happen often, but it always made him feel even smaller.

"Markie!" A voice yelled, but not just any voice. It was his best friend! The tickling stopped and Markie was helped to his feet in time to watch Joonie come running. He wore a pair of loose shorts and an oversized T-shirt, the combo making him look even more youbg and innocent. His smile wide, even after he tripped. "'M okay!" He yelled, continuing on his way to the group, his Caregivers no where in sight. Markie waddled (with the help of his Gyeomie-hyung) to give his friend a hug. The two Littles giggling excitedly now they were together. Yoongi and Hoseok quietly walking towards the others, the rest of their group unable to join the outing.

"Minnie, slow down!" A new voice called. An excited squeal and the sound of feet running broke the two from their hug. Joonie and Markie watched as another Little came running towards them, this Little looked physically younger than both boys, he had wide doe eyes and soft purple hair. He wore a large white sweater with red stripes and a pair of shorts. His laugh was infectious, causing Joonie to join in, moving to introduce himself to the new Little.

Markie however, turned around to hide away in Gyeomie's arms. He didn't feel comfortable meeting others yet, his Hyungies had been hard enough to get used to. Now he would have to try and get along with another person? The very idea made him feel stressed. Yugyeom felt how tightly Markie was clinging to his shirt and immediately picked the Little up. "What's wrong, bud?" He cooed, walking back towards their group. Yoongi and Hoseok having joined them on the picnic blanket.

"Minnie, I thought we talked about running away from Mama?" A voice scolded, there was now another male standing by Joonie and the new Little. He was slender and about BamBam's height, with thick hair that was pulled away from his face. He had strikingly beautiful features, his eyes piercing as they took in his Little babbling at someone new. His hands were on his thin waist, as he softened, taking in the excitement of the two before him. He let out a deep exhale and turned back the way he came. "Found him Lix, he's already made a new friend and everything!" His voice was loud and full of joy, but Markie grew even more scared.

Covering his ears and burrowing further into Yugyeom's neck. He let out a whimper as his eyes filled with tears. He felt a hand begin petting his back and knew it was his Baba. He turned around to dive into the safety of his Caregiver's arms a few tears falling down his cheeks. Bammie-hyung jumped into action, racing to the new male as they spoke quietly.

"Hey kiddo." Yoongi's voice called, he had a sweet smile on his face as he wore a large flannel shirt over a plain black tee, his usual ripped skinny jeans covering his long legs. "Can I get a Markie cuddle?" He asked, holding his arms open. Hoseok smiled softly as well, his auburn hair was hidden under a baseball cap, he wore a pair of sunglasses over his eyes but had pulled them down to look at Markie sincerely.

Markie hesitantly moved closer to the pair, keeping his hand fisted in his Baba's shirt, making sure he wouldn't leave. Baba, moved with him, making the stretch that much easier as the Little fell into his Uncle's arms, another content sigh escaping his lips as they hugged him. He'd missed his BTS hyungies, they'd been to busy with work to spend much time together. "Miss 'ou." He whispered, nuzzling further into Yoongi's arms, finally letting his grip on Jackson go as he transferred it to Hoseok.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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