Chapter 15

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Edgeworth's POV

I watch as Wright walks out, his words sting more than any insult that has been thrown my way, and trust me I've beared my fair share of them. I know that what I've done was not...correct in any sort of means, but I did what I had to do and I hope Pheonix comes to see it that way too.

Part of me wonders if I'm supposed to chase after him, like they do in those television channels. I don't suppose I am though since he doesn't seem to want anything to do with me at the moment. Though isn't that usually the point? I don't know, I'm not too good at social things. Which I do suppose is one downside of becoming a prosecutor so young, I never had time to go out and enjoy myself and now that I can I find myself not wanting to.

I go back to my house and walk inside. Do I call him? Would that seem desperate? What if I am desperate? Though I'd never admit it out loud I am afraid that I need Wright's companionship. Gumshoe views me more a boss than a friend though I suppose that is my fault and I'm not very fond of Larry.

I pick up my phone and call Wright's office. I decide it would be the most fitting thing to do, at least to apologize. I could send a card, and I will. That seems like a fitting thing to do in such circumstances. I hang up the phone which feels a bit rude but I'm sure he'll forgive me. I'll personally deliver the card myself as the post office takes too long and this is urgent.

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