Chapter 19

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Collins POV

  How the hell did I just keep myself together?

   I'm just outside his apartment door, leaning against the wall and giving myself a moment. I haven't had my meds in almost 48 hours and I didn't just go all insane and let my mouth run away like a train at the fact that Curtis was shirtless and pantless. Not just that, but his morning wood was straining against his boxers as though he wanted to say 'Hi!'

  How did he not notice it?

  Did he notice it?

  Did he WANT me to notice it?

  Oh this is all too much for my harried brain so early in the morning. I'd planned on having breakfast with Lennox. I suppose that means Curtis, too, but I wouldn't tell him that. But after my performance and then seeing THAT I had to leave, there was really no other choice. If I hadn't, I'm pretty sure I'd have argued his stance on how men react to women in their underwear, his obvious take that when the tables are turned it doesn't do anything to women.  

  I was too close to blurting out the question of whether or not he'd heard of a lady boner. 

  Then I'm almost positive I'd have continued a rant and included the words to the extent of the female inner penis without thinking and may have even admitted to the fact that I had one myself. 

  Yeah. Not just random. If there is one thing that will always win out over all the other thoughts rattling in the expanse between my ears, it's tattoos over a hard body. Totally and completely developed a lady boner for the tatted grizzly bear that was standing just a couple feet away from me. 

  I mean, I'd have shut his argument down quick, but to what extent? Total and utter embarrassment, that's what. 

  Dancing around a guy's kitchen, cooking him breakfast and singing about plump butts doesn't embarrass me.  But admitting that the grump of a guy, who I swear just looks down his nose at me, made my nether region palpitate?  

  No way. Nope. Nada. Zilch. Not happening. 

  I don't know why but as I pass my apartment on the way to the stairs I actually reach out and jiggle the handle as though it will magically be unlocked.  It wasn't.

  I start the trek to the landlord's office only to be met with a sign taped to the door.  "Out of office til Friday."

  "You have got to be kidding me!" I want to scream at the top of my lungs. What on earth am I suppose to do? I have no keys so I can't drive anywhere. I don't have my medication nor a cell phone to call the doctor for a new script. The only clothes are what's on my body, which if I don't get a shower soon I may actually cry. 

  But for now, no tears allowed. I march back up the stairs and sit like a petulant toddler in front of my door, legs and arms both crossed while I pout. It's dumb, really. All I'd probably have to do is go knock on Curtis' door, ask to use his phone and then I'd at least be able to get my brother to give me a lift to his house. Because trust me, no one is gonna want to be around me much longer without my medicine. I don't want to be around me much more than I have to at this point. 

  And as if on it's own accord my mouth drops open, a loud and sharp "UGH" filling the hallway.  As though the universe knows my sound of groveling, Curtis' door opens, his head poking out looking right in my direction.

  "You good?"

  "Did it sound like I'm good?" I snap without even thinking. You know, basically I'm being myself.  "I mean, yeah that's the kind of noise I make when all the things in my life are lined up perfectly. All my little duckies in a nice and neat row."  He steps out just enough to press both forearms against the doorframe. "There are no ducks in a row. I've got friggin squirrels and they're at a rave!"  The back of my head hits my door a lot harder than I intended but it's apparently just what I need to break the dam of my tightly locked emotions because I start to cry.

  He doesn't make a move towards me. If I opened my eyes I'm sure I'd see his apartment door shut and locked tight because I'm acting like a complete psycho. Instead, I hear his voice, "Get in here."

  "What?" I lift my head again, looking back down the hall to see he's no longer in his doorway but it's been left open. My butt stays firmly planted on the floor, my head now dropping to my knees that I hug tightly against my chest. 

  "Collins!" his voice booms from inside his apartment and I wonder if he's gonna get a complaint from the landlord for his yelling.  Oh, but wait, the landlord would have to actually be here to accept any complaints. 

  "What!" I scream back. 

  "Get your b-u-t-t in here!"

  For a moment my freak out cry fest wains, giggles busting out of my chest at his spelling of the word butt which means Lennox must be nearby. She's probably still sitting in her highchair, nibbling on her eggs. 

  Begrudgingly, and because I'm starving, I get up and walk back into the same apartment I spent last night in.  "You bellowed?" I say sarcastically, shutting his door behind me. 

  "What's going on?" he asks, coming back into the living room, this time fully dressed.  "Did you ever make it down to the landlord's office?"

  I put on the cringiest cheesey smile I can muster and give him a double thumbs up. "I sure did, Pookie. Everything will be well taken care of-"


  "When he returns on Friday," I finish, dropping my hands to my waist. 

  "Damn," he mutters, unbuckling Lennox from her seat.  

I walk around the two of them and begin to clean his kitchen. I am the one who made the mess after all, it's only fair. It also gives me something to do which at this moment, I need more than anyone could possibly imagine. 

  Curtis hold Lennox on his hip, coming to rest his back against the counter near me. "Well, then I guess what I was going to ask couldn't come at a better time."

  "If you need a cup of sugar, I can't help ya," I smart back, taking out my agitation with my situation on his pan, scrubbing the Teflon way harder than I need to.

  Lennox laughs at my joke, or maybe it's because a stray bubble of dish soap is floating up into the air towards her face.  Her chubby hand swats at it, popping it and her laughter dies out.

  "I uh, I need a pretty big favor," he says, scratching at his bearded jawline. "I have to go out of town this afternoon for a couple nights for work. I was gonna meet my mom a couple hours away for her to take her home with her but that's a lot of extra travel that she really can't handle even though she wants to see her granddaughter. You wanna watch her for me?"



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