Chapter 48

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Curtis POV

  For the vast majority of my life I always thought Cloud Nine is a great place to visit. Whether it came from having a shutout or landing a hot chick in my bed. Short moments, but always figuring I could get back there again within a couple days.  But maturing is realizing it's an even better place to find yourself hanging out in over a good, long period of time. 

  Has it only been one day? Yes. Am I'm planning on setting up camp on this damn cloud for as long as Collins will allow me? Definitely, yes.

  I arrive to practice a half hour before everyone else, surprised to see Blake strolling in through the glass doors just behind me.  "Did you and your girl celebrate extra hard after that surprise?"

  My friend grins and wiggles his brows at me, giving me a silent and yet not so subtle answer before he's questioning me. "How about you? Corner Collins in the alleyway again?"

  My head gives a shake while I try to suppress my smile. "Nah, not an alleyway but our apartment's hall. That is until my Ma opened my door with my daughter screaming at the top of her lungs."

  "That's a block for sure."

  We stroll into the locker room, noticing that some of the guys left all of their equipment here from the game on New Year's Eve. I get a wicked idea, quickly tossing out the plan to Blake. He's ecstatic at the opportunity and passes over Thad's skates.

  Nothing seems amiss to anyone on the team as the room fills up and the other's get changed. Buddy comes in letting us know that Coach Anson is under the weather and he'll be running our drills today.  He decides to offer up a deal to all of us. If no one throws up after thirty minutes of bag skates, he'll let us cut out a half hour early. 

  A quick glance around the room tells me that some of the guys are not so sure they can manage it.  I'll carry my weight though, not a single drop of alcohol has been in my system in several days. My only worry will be the protein shake I had about an hour ago.

  On game days the starting goalie leads the team out onto the ice before the first period begins. We're way more laid back during practices, so Blake and I hang a bit towards the back with Thad just in front of us.

  Blake shows me his cell phone as we stroll down the tunnel, ready and waiting to catch our captain's fumble when he steps out on the ice. 

  Thad doesn't disappoint either. He's paying very little attention to anything ahead of him, mouthing off about his lack of action after the game on New Year's Eve to another wingman. 

  It's a pleasant picture for us when he steps onto the ice and he goes face first into the fresh layer. He tries to stand up, only to do it again, his legs spreading out like a newborn deer with no idea how to walk. The entirety of the team is witness to it because of the foul mouth on our leader, blessing out whoever screwed around with his skates.  He can't even get back to the bench to inspect them without the help of a couple guys lifting him under his arms.

  Just so happens those two guys are myself and Blake.  Ya know, trying to make sure he didn't get the idea that it was actually the two of us who covered his blades with clear tape causing them to be unable to cut into the ice and keep him upright.

  "Who would ever do such a thing?" Blake asks, indignantly.

  I school my face real quick, ready to back him up.  "That's a shitty teammate, man. Seriously, Thad. Who the hell have you pissed off lately?"

  We drop him onto the bench, his eyes now on the blades. "My money's on Hamlin."

  "Hamlin? He's like the nicest guy on the team," Blake reminds him. "What did you do to piss him off?"

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