Chapter 68

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Curtis POV

Growing up, my favorite place in the world was on the ice. In any capacity I could have, I cherished it. Strange to hear from a kid, I know, but still true. 

As an adult, I have two favorite places in my life.

  One, being between the pipes. It's my home on the ice, my sanctuary to protect.

  Two, wrapped up with Collins. She is my home off the ice, my sanctuary to protect.

  All three of my girls are sitting behind my net tonight.  The smile on each of their faces when I take the ice, leading the team out for warm ups actually makes my heart jump for joy. My mom is clapping along to the music while Collins is bouncing Lennox in her arms, both squealing wildly with zero care about how they appear to anyone around them.  My heart stutters as she and Len both kiss their hands and blow a kiss my way.  I raise my mitt to catch them and tap against my chest.

  I am so gone for this woman.

  If I could convince her to marry me now, I'd have a minister here to perform the ceremony between the first and second periods. But the fear of her bolting is still too prominent, and definitely a possibility if I proclaim anything more than the fact that I love her.

  That joke with my mom, however, was literal perfection at the very least giving her a little glimpse.  Of course she technically bolted then even if it was to just bathe Lennox. Collins still managed to sneak away before anything could be come a serious discussion over such a topic.

  I don't blame her. If the roles were reversed, I'd probably step away to regroup.  The truth of the matter is that I've fallen harder than I ever imagined I could.

  And I get the feeling that Collins is definitely getting closer to accepting it than she was even in Dallas. Her rushing to me last night, pleading for me to help her. I would've cut off my arm if I knew that it would give her the sense of peace that was stolen from her.

  I'd do anything for the woman, whether she asked me directly for it or not.

  When I bump my fist against the glass before the game now, one time, four times, three times, it's meant for all three of them. 

  By the time the puck drops to start the third period I've stopped twenty-three shots on goal, unfortunately letting in one just above my shoulder thanks to the excellent skills of the opposing player.

  When they're that good, it can sometimes be just as much of a thrill as letting their puck into the net as it is stopping it.


  I haven't let it happen again, which is why the guy keeps chirping me each time he comes closer.  That's just fine with me, buddy.

  "You got your one, now it's my turn," I shout as I send the puck flying out of our zone. It's met by the waiting stick of Thad who takes it straightaway, zagging around a couple defensemen before sinking it through the five hole.

  The cherry lights up just as the buzzer sounds for the end of the game.  Renegades win 2-1.

  I hurry up in the dressing room as quickly as possible, a great longing to have my arms around both of my girls as soon as I can manage.

  Coach Anson stops me just as I toss my gear over my shoulder. "Everett," he calls out from his office.

  "Sir?" I answer, stopping just in his doorway.

  "Nice to see the excitement in Dallas wasn't just luck." His words are playful but his face even.  "You gonna be leaving us soon?"

  I lift the shoulder that's not held down by the weight of my bag.  "Your guess is as good as mine. They asked if I'd be their EBUG for the rest of the season, but I'd really rather help the team get the cup."

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