Chapter 40

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Collins POV

That was an intense last few minutes in the third period. And I don't just mean what was happening on the ice, but the fact that Paul was next to me, trying to convince me to go out with him tonight.

"I've got plans, Disco. Drop it," I mention for what feels like the tenth time in the last hour.

"What do you mean, plans? I asked you days ago."

I move Page around me, all under the guise of needing to talk to her mother. But it gives me more space from the guy that's becoming more persistent. If he doesn't shut up I'm going to remind him that he never asked, and that could easily be the reason why I didn't accept.

"I need some help," I mutter into my sister in law's ear.

Her eyes are following the puck until there's a sharp blow of a whistle, hands pointing over to the glass that's just a few rows down from us. "Whatcha got?" she asks, finally looking back at me.

"Get your brother off my back," I tell her, settling back into my seat now that I notice Gage and Paul are in a discussion. Mak gives me a strange look, her brow pulling together. "He told me he was taking me out tonight."

"He didn't ask?"

I roll my eyes and shake my head. "No. And I kind of have plans," my voice drifts off, knowing she's going to call me out on my admittance.

"Collins Margaret Kennedy. Do you have a date?"

My attention turns back to the ice, opposite end of where we are sitting, noticing Curtis give a little wave behind his goal and I realize Lennox is in the stands with the woman that I'm guessing is his mother. Mak pulls my hand away from my mouth, making me realize I was chewing on my thumbnail.

"The goalie?" she whispers, her eyes cutting over to where Mark is standing with his arms crossed against his chest behind the bench of players. She acts as though he could possibly hear her, which tells me he hasn't let up on his agitation towards the possibility of me dating one of his players.

I tentatively glance over at her, not wanting to pull my complete focus away from Curtis. As soon as I give a small nod, she's taking a deep inhale of breath. "Okay," she says quietly, wiping her hands against her jeans before scooting up in her seat. "Hey, Gage?" Her son turns towards her, stopping the conversation he was in with his uncle. "You should have Uncle Paul take you and Paige to that trampoline park this evening, then maybe some pizza and we can watch the ball drop. See who can stay up the latest like last year."

"Collie and I can take them out for you guys," Paul jumped into the conversation a little too willingly.

I'm shooting daggers at Mak now, wondering how she's going to get me out of it. "She's got plans," she simply states, and goes back to watching the game now that play had resumed.

Paul leans completely over Paige to get both mine and Mak's attention. "Ya know, that's what I keep hearing but she won't actually give any details. Makes me think it's plans with somebody she knows no one will approve of."

I want to turn and slap his face. Maybe throat punch him. But I remind myself not only am I in a public setting, there are children present and also maybe I'm not into violence that occurs off an ice rink.

Doesn't mean I still don't want to knock the smug smirk off of his face.

"Who said she ever needs your approval?" My precious sister-in-law snaps back. "Now shut up and let's watch the rest of the game."

He's mad that his older sister can still speak to him the way she does. And I love it. She may only be ten years older than him, but between the two, she's always been the one in charge. Which is why he does exactly what she said and sits back.

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