Chapter 50

379 37 44

Collins POV

That was unexpected.

In all of my years watching Mark play, not once have I seen a goalie actually fight. The first time I see it is with Curtis, and while the dude is broody and a bear, he doesn't seek out violence. But a stick to the back of the head when a ref isn't looking will have a differing effect on even the most timid of men.

Curtis Everett is anything but timid.

The crowd around me saw the hit, and became rather rowdy in support of the fight, cheering louder when they noticed the blood on Mulligan's jersey. The only time the yelling became full on cheers of excitement was when Curtis was skating back towards us, to his net.

He looked up at us, probably not thrilled to see the shock on my face or the fact that I'd been covering his daughter's eyes from seeing her dad toss the guy to the ice like a ragdoll.

However, I also found myself fanning my face because damn if that wasn't one of the hottest things I've ever seen in my life. Something about a guy with a definite disadvantage thanks to lugging around a good fifty plus extra pounds due to padding, laying a guy our on the ice?

Just about as hot as that grip he had my neck in back in his truck on New Year's Eve.

The announce comes on to tell the crowd all of the penalties that were given and while Curtis is given a penalty, it's Blake who serves the time. "Is he gonna be pissed?" I ask his fiancé.

"The way he speaks about his goalie? Not even a little bit. Now, if they were down he'd probably have a few choice words for the guy, but I'm sure he feels like the game is already clenched."

I take my spot in my seat once more, Lennox patting my leg to come over and sit in my lap. I can tell she's getting sleepy but doesn't want to miss a single moment. Especially when the Renegades score again, making it five to one.

Curtis didn't get his shutout, but he still stopped thirty five shots on goal.

With Lennox on my hip we cheer for the team along with the fanbase that only seemed to grow louder as the music piped through the sound system. Lenny's little hands clapped as I bounced her around. "Wave to DaDa!"

She does, making me laugh as I see Curtis wave back at her even though his teammates are trying to keep his attention in celebration. He's smiling, with his mask hanging just from the top of his head, but it's not nearly as breathtaking as it was before the start of the game.

I'm a bit nervous now as they finally all skate across the ice, sticks in the air giving a salute to the crowd and a silent thanks for them attending.

"I guess you guys aren't going out tonight?"

I chuckle at Alexa as I kiss the top of Lennox's head. "That is a definite no," I answer. "His mom went back to Norfolk, so no babysitter." I start packing away our items, waiting for the crowd to start to disperse. "And I'm not so sure that I want to face some of his teammates again quite like that. Drug Thad makes me nervous."

Alexa nods in agreeance as she downs the rest of her water bottle. "I can see that. But, if Curtis doesn't make it evident that you are his, Thad will try and hit on you. Hell, it took Blake proposing for his dear Captain to finally back off." She pauses, looking up at the jumbotron in contemplation. "Although, considering he was passed out when that moment occurred, it is possible that he may still try something tonight."

"Yeah, no. I think we'll probably just tuck this little one in and decompress with a movie or something."

"Or something," Alexa makes her brows wiggle with the attempt at a seductive comment.

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