Chapter 35

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Collins POV

   The sound of the doorbell chimes through Mark's house early Christmas morning.  I expect there to be a ruckus behind the walls but it's oddly quiet.  I check the watch on my wrist one more time.  It's eight in the morning, there should be squeals from kids and the sound of arguing over how to cook the sweet potato casserole. (My mom's recipe is better than Mak's mom's recipe). 

  And yet, there's silence.

  I ring the bell once more, listening to the tinkling sound from my side of the door.  Twenty seconds later, there's still no movement from inside so I start knocking.  When my knuckles fly up for the fourth time the door swings open and I'm about an inch away from hitting Paul in his chest.

  His uncovered chest.  

  His naked chest that I've never seen before.

His bare chest and bulging bicep that holds a tattoo of a skull with the blue line flag painted over it. 

  Did I mention the sweat pants that are hanging low on his hips?

  I remind my brain that now is not the time for any of this by taking a step forward, making him move off to the side and out of the way of my present laden arms. "Where is everybody? It's eight o'clock."

  "Merry Christmas and good morning to you too, Collie," Paul yawns, shutting the door before padding in his bare feet over to his cot on the couch.  He flops down, yanking the blanket up over his hips, still leaving his chest on display as one hand goes behind his head. 

  "Answer the question, Disco. What's going on? Did I sleep through Christmas? Did I miss the carol sing along?"  I stay in the middle of the living room, still holding the gifts that are threatening to pour out of my grip. I spot his eyes closing and speak louder. "Answer me!"

  "Lower your voice, woman. You might wake them."

  I feel my agitation growing. What is going on and why won't he give me a direct answer? Or is he and I'm just not catching on? Did I take my meds?  I set the gifts down on the coffee table, my eyes flitting off to the side as I run through my morning.  

  I woke up after only sleeping for two hours, showered and dried my hair. Then I made coffee, reached up into the cabinet above the sink and yes! I did take my medicine!

  "Why aren't you waking them?" I squeak off at him, my voice lowered and yet still high pitched.  

  The hand that was gripping his blanket now points over to the Christmas tree in the corner.  My niece is hidden under the tree, only her legs hanging out visible.  I crouch down to see that she's clutching a plush mushroom, her head on top of another much larger plush mushroom, sound asleep.  

  My body twists, eyes glancing around the rest of the room.  "Gage?"

  "My room."


  "New game system. He passed out about an hour ago."

  I'm a half second away from stomping my foot like a little brat that didn't get what they'd hoped for on Christmas morning, which let's face it, is exactly what's happened. I just happen to be a twenty-two year old brat that apparently missed out on the excitement of Christmas morning. 

  "Did you guys already do gifts?" I whine, plopping my butt into Mark's leather recliner. 

  "Yep," he answers curtly.  "At three o'clock."

  "What?" I nearly shriek, my eyes popping out of my head. 

    "You missed the little demons waking us all up.  Of course your brother was still up looking at game tape, but the rest of us normal people were asleep.  Might as well kick back and take a nap, Collie." He pulls another blanket off the back of the couch and tosses it towards me.  I don't even attempt to catch it, just letting it fall into my lap. 

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