Chapter 34

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Curtis POV

My mother has never really been a quiet woman where her thoughts and feelings are concerned. I'd grown up with the loudest cheering section at each game, and all I had was the one person compared to other guys entire families.

She voiced her concerns over my education, when I went off to college on scholarship. Constantly reminding me that while I might be playing hockey in college, that doesn't mean I'll be doing it forever. There were many a day that I'd be studying, hearing her voice in my ear telling me how important it was that I be just as successful off the ice as on.

Probably the moments I'm most grateful for though came after Lennox. There were several lessons of instruction concerning infants, especially after I moved back home.  Staying in the apartment with Shaw wasn't ideal unless I wanted one of his hockey hookers banging on my bedroom door over the noise levels. 

But heaven forbid I remind them that our walls were thin.

She'd taught me a lot, all the while still being quite vocal about how my flitting back and forth with women got me right into the predicament with the princess.  There was never a moment of resentfulness towards Lennox, though.  Definitely towards her unknown mother, but never unhappy about my child's existence.  We were on the same page where that was concerned. 

And even now at Christmas, I know I'm about to get an earful.

She takes a seat back at the table, settling Lennox into her lap.  "Is she a bunny or a hooker?"  There's the faintest touch of teasing in her voice, but her eyes are shooting sharp daggers at me across the small space. 

"Ma," I say with slight warning. 

  Of course she doesn't heed, she's my mother. "Curtis." 

  I know the tone. I recognize it well. Even now I realize it's a similar tone I've used with Collins ever since meeting her. It's a bit short tempered like mine, but I also realize mine leans a little heavier with bite than my mother's. 

 A heavy breath falls as I lean my back against the counter, arms folded against the sweater covering my chest. My chin nearly touches the material as I eye my feet.  I chew on my lip for a moment, a little unsure how to answer the original question.

  "Well? Bunny or hooker?" she asks, repeating the question.  She's focused on the little girl in her lap who is playing with the rings on her fingers.  "I'm not so sure either one would be a suitable mama to Lenny, here. From what your friend Shaw told me, they're more for one night stands and butt calls."

  My head snaps up. "Butt calls, Ma?"


  My head shakes side to side slowly. "It's not called 'butt' calls. The term is booty call. The other makes it sound," my voice trickles off, praying I don't have to lead her to the realization of what she actually was saying. 

  "Sound like what?" her eyes finally find mine. I still don't want to come out and say it so instead I'm arching a brow at her, waiting silently.  Her own brow creases as she watches me until finally the lightbulb goes off in her mind and she's looking a little shocked before falling into a fit of laughter. "Oh, no!"  I join her for a moment, my own chuckles a little lighter and quieter than hers while Lennox's head is tilted up at her grandmother, a smile on her own face. "I still don't think either would be a good choice to mother a little girl."

  "She's not either of those. I don't think so, anyway," I finally answer her. 

  Ma points to the chair across from her. "Tell me about her and I'll see if I can help you figure it out.  How did you meet? At a game? At the bar?"

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