Chapter 30

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  There's an incredible air of joy in the locker room when I get back from my on-ice interview. A handful of guys are rushing to get out, ready for their own holiday festivities while a few more are egging each other on to go out on the town.

"Curt's gotta come out tonight! No arguing, man. You're coming," Thad demands, pointing at me from across the locker room.  I was right about the garish purple suit. He went full out with the three piece number. 

I don't bite back as harshly as usual.  Call it Christmas spirit. Call it flying high off of a career win. Call it the hope of tasting a woman I want for the first time in months. Call it whatever you want, I'm just not wanting to spar maybe.  "No can do. I've got plans. It is Christmas Eve, remember?"

"Big deal!" he whines. "Let's go out."

"I'm driving to Norfolk in a few hours, need some sleep."  Not a total lie. Lennox and I will be hitting the road by five in the morning, which by the time I get her down for the night it'll be near one o'clock.  

And I am really hoping to pay a lingering visit with a certain brunette that appeared to be rather stunned.

To be honest, I'm feeling lighter and happier than I have in months. Is it because of the game or because of Collins? Could it be that my daughter was in the stands, seeing her old man doing what he loves, his passion on display for everyone? Could it be that I don't think any game I play in the future will even come close to comparison with this one?

I'd place a bet on all of the above.  Every last dime I have, but I'd come out a winner.

If I had known that Collins and Lennox were in the crowd, I probably would've had my mind focused on anything except the game. Now, however, that's where my brain has decided to drift off to.

As I button up my dress shirt, I let my mind wander. She seemed genuinely surprised to see me before the interview. But, wasn't she here for the whole game? Wouldn't she have heard my name at some other point during any of the periods? Or was the shock because she couldn't believe I was getting awarded a triple star?  

Someone out in the world would probably be angry that they weren't the one to introduce their child to something that they love. I couldn't care less. The fact that Collins was the one to do it? The fact that she brought her to something unknowingly that's a large part of my life? Makes me like her even more.

 "What you need is to celebrate!" Thad shouts amongst the emptying room.  "Legend's is gonna be filled with women ready and waiting for you to scoop them up. How about another bet?"

  I laugh under my breath, well aware that he's trying to get his money back.  I got the woman's number before him, even if I didn't stick around to use it or even to say thanks. No one questioned me more than a general 'What happened' text message. I said the same thing I did to coach, 'Family emergency,' and left it at that.

  "Another time," I answer, swinging my bag over my shoulder.

  Really what I mean is when it's a cold day in hell, but again, in the spirit of Christmas I decide to remain cool and calm. 

  Blake's hand comes out and hits the back of my shoulder as I beeline my way to the door.  I've got places to be, a daughter to pick up, and a woman to make mine.

  "Merry Christmas, brother," he calls out as I shove my hip into the door. I don't answer back, just tossing up a peace sign and continuing my trek.

  A couple of security guards that keep watch over both our hall and the visitor's hall give ma a round of congratulations, along with a couple of slow claps.  They're being funny so I give them a wide grin while I flip them the bird earning myself a couple hearty chuckles.

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