Chapter 78

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*Possible trigger warning...

Curtis POV

Is it possible to have multiple natural instincts? Both at war with one another?

On one hand I want to push Alexa aside and take my rightful place beside Collins, to be that shoulder for her. Whatever has her upset is obviously devastating.

Whatever has her upset is devastating.

That's when things that Alexa said start clicking into place. "Do you not know the love of your life at all? She use to work here."

Just like that I'm taken back to the bathroom floor of the hotel in Dallas. A shaking, disturbed and broken hearted Collins admitting that her assault was from a club regular.

Yeah, natural instinct number two is going to win out because whoever or whatever has put her in this state needs to give me answers. Answers that I'm not sure will be of any benefit to anyone other than myself. But hey, I'm a selfish man when it comes to the woman in my life.

I turn on my heel, Blake's presence still felt behind me as I go back to the entrance of the door. Security doesn't bat an eye as I rush past him. Makes me wonder if 'angry boyfriends' is a typical occurrence or he's never seen it and has no idea what to expect.

Expect blood, my man.

My feet move me right to the stairs that lead up to the VIP balcony. I take the stairs two at a time, thankful for long legs when I scale the last three at once. There's a beastly looking man in a three piece suit at the top, arms crossed against his chest. He looks incredibly out of place from our lowly spot downstairs. But up here? It looks like he fits right in.

Lucky for me, still being in half of my game day suit, so do I.

Without a single question, which let's face it, I'd have certainly been asking why the hell I was charging up the staircase, he releases the hook on the rope barrier and holds it wide open for my entrance. I'm glancing around the area, barely paying attention to the fact that Blake did not make it through the ropes.

A woman dressed in a short silver cocktail dress and higher heels than those I've seen at a strip club, strolls leisurely by carrying a gold tray of Glencairn glasses filled with an amber liquid.


Didn't Collins mention the smell of bourbon on the guy's breath? That she blamed herself for having served it to him all night?

I stand off to the side even though my muscles are twitching for me to strut right up to where the woman is serving. I can't rush through the entire VIP section and knock out every guy sipping on bourbon.

Although, if I had to? I most certainly would.

 My eyes continue to scan, trying to figure out which dude looks just enough like a sleeze ball that would go around assaulting young women. But just as quickly I'm reminded that even good looking guys can be complete assholes and assault a woman who may fall for his charm and a winning smile. 

But my girl didn't fall. The choice was taken away from her and my blood boils at that reminder. 

 The waitress in the silver dress sidles up next to me, a seductive grin teasing her dark painted lips.

  "Hey, handsome. What can I do for you?"

  It's not that I look down at her chest to see her diamond encrusted name tag. It's more the fact that she's shoving her chest further out than what I would assume humanly possible when standing upright.  

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