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Walking through the maze I call my home, the various muffled screams form music in my ears. My demons walk by, greeting me and heading straight to work. Each room holds a sinner who is about or already getting punished. It's been the same routine for days, months, years etcetera. Looking at my watch, I know it's time. Immediately, I expand my wings and fly up to the world which I have become fond of. The world that my grandfather made. Earth.  

Entering my house, I retract my wings and take my blazer off. Staring at the mirror, my long dark hair is looking as perfect as ever. The sound of heels against my marble flooring, causes my eyes to make contact with the suspect. Her long platinum hair is in a ponytail, intensifying her sharp features. She smiles and her sharp canine teeth glimmer against the light. 

"Nice to see you again. It's been a week, you must miss this place a lot," Hannah teases then throws me a phone. "You have a lot of work to do my lord."

"Hannah, I told you to stop calling me that. We are unfortunately friends. So now come on. I need a drink."

She smiles, "Oh I'm so happy your back, it's boring here without you. Josh doesn't shut up."

"Teeth," I warned.

Her brow raises then she checks her teeth and notices the pronounced canines. I watch as they reduce in size and she winks at the mirror with her eyes sparking electric blue but now back to her human form. 

As we walk downstairs together, I get bombarded by Josh who leaps onto my back but I continue walking into the kitchen and grabbing myself a drink. "Come on Dani! Smile! You're favourite siblings here!"

I push him off and he frowns, "Why aren't you up in heaven? With the unicorns and rainbows?"

He laughs lightly, "I wanted to hang out but you wasn't here."

Humming, I pour myself a mixture of vodka and whiskey. It just tastes nice, not strong. It takes us a while to get drunk. 

"Since your here, you should come out with us."

He smiles brightly as Damien then drags my brother away. Joshua is a kind angel with curly dark hair and green eyes. He is as tall as me but a smaller frame. He's one of few relatives up in heaven which I enjoy. I don't have any bad blood with them but we know our boundaries and keep civil. Damien is a demon and one of my close friends. He is strong, quiet yet calming to be around. He has a buzz cut and a small scar on his chin. He got it from the same fight that I was in millennia ago. Finally their is Hannah. She is my right hand woman. A demon who has always been at my side but also told me when I have been wrong. We have protected each other and so I class her as my best friend but she will never know that. 

"The car is outside. Shall we go to the club or are we just feeling the bar?" Hannah announces as soon as Damien and Josh are back. They are dressed now and look ready to cause havoc. She looks at me and squints, "You need to put your blazer back on. And don't you dare about to demand me to get it. I'm not your slave Miss Morningstar!"

Laughing lightly, I nod and make my way upstairs then grab my blazer. We then all head into the car and make our way to town. I purposely bought my place to be away from any neighbourhood and to be surrounded by forestry so I can be free. In Hell I can oversee everything and never be able to escape to my own place. It can get irritating at times. But that's why I have earth as a holiday home. 

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