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My mind fills with thoughts and names of those who could have taken my necklace. One name constantly pops into my mind throughout this quest. Thomas. My dear brother who has caused nothing but continuous anger coursing through my veins. It wouldn't surprise me if he wanted it. Just as I open my bible, Mia walks in and stares at my desk.

"You're a Christian?"

My brows connect, "Hmmm, you could say so. Let's just say that this is like a family album. I need to catch myself up with anything that my brother could have done without me knowing."

"You're saying a lot of things which are very confusing. Would you like to give me some context and why you are calling that bible, an album?"

"Agnes has gotten into some trouble. Her brother Stefan has been killed and his body is missing as well as a very valuable item of mine."

Mia just stares at me for a while with this weird look on her face, "So your about to become a detective? Shouldn't the police be called? This seems very serious and dangerous."

I shrug, "The police wouldn't be able to handle this. I have this in control."

Quinn walks in with Damien, "Come on Mia. They know what they are doing. Let's give them some space."

Mia steps closer to me then places a gentle peck on my lips, "Be careful. And you owe me."

As soon as she steps out, Damien gives me a nod and we leave the house. Heading straight to the woods with Damien, I extend my wings and take us back to the home we were brought up in. 

My kingdom.

Flying through the corridors of hell, I finally see my palace in the distance and land nicely with Damien still gripping me tightly. Laughing slowly, he scoffs and jumps out of my arms.

"You need to stop carrying me like that! I look like a sissy."

I roll my eyes, "Maybe you are. I mean how else would you get down here. Your wings have been hidden for quite a while now Damien."

"I refuse to bring them out. They cause too much trouble."

We make our way into my home and separate in the library, to try find any clues that someone has been here. After a while, I head to my study and search it, top to bottom. Nothings found which just increases my suspicions. As I gaze the walls of my office, my thoughts and feelings roam of a particularly agitating moment. Oh and a specific individual during this moment.

My grandfather.

He just had to come and mess with my head.

I struggle. I struggle everyday to feel like how other people feel. It's annoying for me and the people around me. It's hard. Emotions don't make a lot of sense to me but I have very strong ones myself. Since meeting Mia, it's felt euphoric being around her. But I find myself getting irritated with myself and biting the urge to lash out on her even though she hasn't done anything wrong.

Then I have Thomas who has came with this enormous amount of jealousy which has clearly been held on for millennia.

"I think I found something," Damien's voice takes me out of my trance. I nod and follow him out the room to the spare room across the master bedroom. Once we walk in, I have an instant tingle. A sensation which puts unease in the air. The far window is wide open with the curtain slightly torn and a vase knocked down. 

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