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A week. I have been here for a week. It has been torture. Dani and I don't look at each other for the most part. When we do, it's just us about to find an argument or give death stares. I hate her. I hate the fact that she lied to m. She says that she told me but from what Quinn told me, Damien showed his true self so she could believe him. Dani could have done that. As well as that, she ended our relationship because I am being framed for something I clearly didn't do. Oh and then acting like a bitch to me after for days instead of talking to me. I thought I did something wrong even after she apologised. I am so done with her bullshit. Maybe I am being overdramatic for not understanding her but she is being selfish.

During my time here, Hannah brought all my necessary work files and anything I needed. Damien has been acting weird around me but Quinn informed me that his loyalties lie with Dani so it's hard for him to act a certain way. However, Hannah said that she isn't scared of Dani and believes in me. So pretty much the house is split in half.

Josh was flown up to heaven apparently as he needed better care. It's crazy saying that and not meaning that he is dead or something.

I am still in shock by it all.

Seeing Dani in her true form scared me at first but I was more mesmerized than anything. Then she opened her mouth and ruined it.

"Breakfast is ready downstairs," Hannah informs me.

I thank her then she leaves, which allows me compose myself. Everyday that I have been here and had breakfast, it has been awkward. I think Hannah is doing it on purpose so we can talk but none of us want to say a word. Apparently they have been investigating and I got questioned twice then left alone. It's scary because they couldn't easily believe I did it! PLUS I LIVE WITH THE DEVIL RIGHT NOW.

Walking downstairs, my stomach starts to rumble at the wonderful smell of food. I turn the corner and see everyone seated and eating except for Dani. "The foods in the kitchen," Quinn informs me.

When I walk into the kitchen, I am faced with Dani who is preparing her plate. She looks up at me and rolls her eyes then looks back down. It causes my blood to boil but I bite my lip and grab a plate. After I prepare my plate, I drop my fork and bend down to grab it but my ass hits someone. The person being Dani. She stares at it but then walks off. I grow a small chill but then disgust. She's not allowed to look at me in that way anymore.

Cleaning the fork, I make my way to the table and sit.

After we ate in silence, we separated back to our rooms. I decided to finish some overdue work but I did it faster than expected so I am now getting changed to gym wear. Luckily they have on in this mansion.

As soon as I walk in, it seems I'm not the only person with the same idea. Dani is currently working with an unknown woman. I don't recognise her at all. I take a step forwards then feel arms wrap around my waist, "Are you okay?"

Hannah then turns me around and smiles. Her smile then drops as soon as she looks at what I was previously looking at.

"Who is that?"

She rolls her eyes, "A friend of ours from Hell."

I walk with her to the treadmill and we work out together, starting with a slow jog. Unfortunately it gives us full view of Dani and this mystery girl. I watch as she has Dani help her with everything. They seem to get really close, with the girl occasionally pecking Dani's cheek. I feel a small bubble of jealousy which I didn't expect to feel. Ignoring it, I focus on the run and increase the speed. "They should just leave here and fuck already. It's distracting," I mumble loud of enough for Hannah.

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