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Damien starts pacing up and down the kitchen with his head in his hands. Josh is upstairs and in the care of Quinn. I had to drag Damien down here to avoid him lashing out or shouting while Josh was not in the right condition. Angels and Demons don't usually get affected by illnesses but they can be poisoned, it takes strong poison though.

"When did this happen? When did Hannah poison you?!"

At that moment, the front door closing echoes the room. It's Hannah, and I am pretty sure that she has heard everything that was said. She looks at me with profound guilt in her eyes, "Dame. It was hundreds of years ago. I made a mistake, I didn't know it was poison."

Damien looks at me, "And you believe that? Why aren't you saying anything?"

Sighing, I pour myself some water and smile slightly at my two friends. "It was a mistake Damien, she touched a poisonous plant which grows behind my palace, she touched the glass and that contact alone on my lips nearly killed me. I trust Hannah. It took alot of investigating and fighting to realise that it was a simple accident. But Josh has had a larger dosage from what I can tell. Someone has actually put it in his drink. We need to find out who. It's definitely someone who is linked to Agnes' brother and has my necklace."

A ping alerts everyone. Damien pulls his phone and releases a deep breath, "Remember when I got someone to track Stefan's phone?" Hannah and I nod, "Well they have pinged it to about a mile away from his apartment is. We could go for a ride to see what's up? Clearly someone has been on his mobile recently."

Looking at Hannah, I grab her and hug her. It's not a gesture I do quite often, "It was an accident. I trust you. I know you didn't do this."

Her blue eyes glow then simmer into a cool yellow tone, "Thank you."

"Damian. Are you okay? Are you fit to come?"

He nods, "Your brothers strong but he wasn't strong enough to make damage." He laughs lightly as he says it, with us joining him.

Heading to the cars, we stake a drive to the destination. It is a quiet drive as it is clear we are all distracted with something. My thing is Mia. But all can do is focus on finding my necklace and the Stefan.

Edging closer to the place, we are surrounded by residential homes. The type of homes with white picket fences and fathers mowing the lawn while drinking a beer. There are expensive cars on the drives and middle aged women walking together in gym wear.

"This place makes me sick," Hannah mumbles.

I smirk lightly, "Your just jealous that you haven't got that many friends."

She rolls her eyes, "I'd rather have no friends and be happy, than have many friends and be stressed."

Damien laughs, "I think someone has just hit a nerve."

Hannah smacks Damiens arm as I chuckle at their behaviour. We park up at this one house which has a bright yellow exterior and beautiful flowers, cared for in the yard. As we step out, the middle aged group start looking at us as they walk further ahead. I take my sunglasses off for a second and smirk at them. They blush and whisper. Hannah drags my arm to the front door with Damien tailing behind. As we knock, there is shuffles from the other side then it opens. I can't see anyone till my eyes lower down, to witness a young girl. She must be about five years old. She has red hair and bright blue eyes. She's in a pretty polka dot dress and an ice cream in her hand.

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