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"It just looks like a plain tree."

Hannah chuckles, "So there are unplain trees?"

"You know what I mean! I can't tell if it's supposed to mean anything."

We have been staring at this stupid tree for about ten minutes now and I'm bored. It just has nothing significant to it. Nothing at all. "Well you pointed out this tree. It has to mean something. Why did you think this was it?"

"Well whenever I'd come here, it was the tree I'd sit on. It was the tree which I'd be drawn to and fly to. It's fucking huge and has something about it I guess."

Hannah smiles, "So try to connect with it then. Do your Angel shit."

"Woah, you make it sound so easy! Please show me your ways queen Hannah!"

She rolls her eyes, "Shut up and do it already."

Taking a deep breath, I look at the tree. It's large with a dark brown tone, it has beauty to it. The leaves are a mixture of darker and lighter versions of green. It looks healthy yet old, as if it has been here for centuries but has kept its youth. The more I look at it, the more I feel drawn to it.

I release my wings, letting my energy flow forming my horns and canines to extend.

Blinking twice, my eyes adjust to its demon form. I can see differently now. They allow me to see energy, to see above and beyond. Now they are allowing me to see this tree.

"The roots...they are linked to the tree."

Hannah raises a brow, "Well no shit."

I scold her, "I mean the one in heaven."

"Oh. You should have just said that then..."

Placing my hand one it, I take a whiff of a scent which I don't recognise but it's powerful enough to stick with me.

I need to go back to hell.

"Hannah. Your coming with me to hell."

She rolls her eyes, "Fine but you owe me."

"Your attitude seems to be getting worse since coming to earth."

"You love it."


I have been at work all day...well in my room doing work all day. Danielle has been gone for a day now with Hannah. Damien and Quinn have been keeping me company. There is still no sign of Josh which is heartbreaking.

Damien admitted that Josh was poisoned and is being cared for in heaven.

Walking downstairs, Quinn is making dinner with Lucifer.

He looks at me and smiles, "Mia! How are you my love?"

"I'm good Mr Morningstar. The food smells incredible."

"Oh never call me that. My names Lucifer. Or some say Lucy."

"Okay Lucifer."

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