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"So are you going to give me a tour? While your dad and grandad's so weird knowing that it's Lucifer and God."

I smile lightly, "I can give you a tour. Hopefully it clears your mind."

"Dani. Can I say something that may sound stupid?"

"I mean you already so a lot of stupid things but go ahead."

She smirks playfully, "Well I know I'm apparently a guardian Angel demon half breed whatever it is called. But I still feel part human. I don't want who I am now to change who I was. I like work and getting stressed about being late to things. I like getting randomly ill and cursing the world for it. I like the little things. But now that you have unlocked this in me, I'm scared that I will be losing myself."

I feel a guilt emerge in me. I don't want her to feel like she is going to lose what she is as a person.

"You have to remember that I fell in love with Mia Hawkins. A human who is bitchy, has a whole lot of attitude, beautiful, smart, strong and so much more. That's the person I fell in love with. And don't you forget that your father is human. So even if you have demon and Angel blood, you are very much half human in your heart. You feel what a lot of us celestials don't feel. But all humans feel this."

I watch as a tear rolls down her smooth skin, I instantly wipe it off. She smiles brightly while I lead her to a bedroom. Then I watch her roll her eyes, "You are not seriously about persuade me to sex with your relatives here?"

Laughing softly, I wrap my arms around her waist from behind. Placing a light kiss on her shoulder, I shake my head. "This room is where the intruding came in. Let's test your abilities dear guardian. Take a deep breath and tell me what you feel."


As I am sat with my whiskey, my father is walking around drinking water with a subtle smile on his face. It annoys me seeing the man happy at times, especially when it's not supposed to be a pleasant situation. Such as this one. I know he is playing one of his games and thinking it's for the greater good but it seems dangerous.

"You have to tell her the truth father."

He looks at me puzzled, "I have not lied. Mia is a guardian angel with demon blood in her too. She is special and very special for Dani. I am happy for the both of them. They are blessed children."

"Father. You made this happen. Was it really by fate that Mia and Dani met?"

He laughs, "It was going to happen at some point. I expected it a lot sooner. I didn't push it to happen though if that's what you are thinking. Those two love each other and it is very clear."

"Could you least help us with finding the necklace and who killed an innocent demon child?"

He shakes his head, "I can only guide you Lucifer. And you know this." Groaning, I roll my eyes causing him to laugh lightly. "You were always such a grumpy child when you never got your way. Your brother would bully you into smiling."

"My siblings would also annoy enough to cause my grumpiness. How are they?"

"They are doing fine. You know you can ask them to come and see you."

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