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Dear readers, hope you liked the previous chapter. This story about Radha, is running in two frames of time simultaneously, one in past and one is present. Please vote and comment any suggestions or ideas. Thank you,

"tsk, the salt is all finished. Its so dark outside , I don't wanna go to the market right now to buy  salt. " Radha complained while seeing the clock reading the time, 7 pm. "there is no more in the cabinets as well, I guess I will just ask Aunty ji for some for tonight, and buy a new packet tomorrow." . she reached onto her bed, put on her dupatta And as she was about to leave when she realized," oho, Aunty ji and her family aren't home, Sheela had informed me. tsk what do I do now....? I guess I will just go over to Namita's house and ask for some salt. " . Radha started walking up to the house next to her landlady's . The Sood's were their neighbours. She knocked on their wooden door and rang the bell. As the latch opened, a boy appeared in front of her. A tall boy with messy hair and  not so friendly expression.

"Hi , sorry to disturb you. Is Namita home?" Radha asked.

"hey. She isn't home." He told her, blatantly.

"oh, I just needed some salt. It just occurred to me that its all finished at my room." Radha said ,while fidgeting with her dupatta.

" why don't you go over to the market to purchase it then?" . he asked nonchalantly.

"its dark and, you must be familiar with the fact that , Delhi isn't safe at night, especially for girls."

"huh." He gave her a judgmental look.

'Who is it Eklavya?" Surjit came from behind readjusting her dupatta onto her head. she asked with a Punjabi accent.

"mami, this girl is here for some sugar-"

" salt. I came for salt Aunty. Can you lend me some?" Radha interrupted Eklavya. He gave her an intimidating look with those dagger like dark orbs .

" yes beta. Come in . How are you Radha beti?"

" im fine Aunty . how are you ? "

"im fine too." Surjit took out a container and a small bowl and filled it all with salt and gave it to her.

"no no Aunty , I don't need this much. " Radha tried to stop her

" Of course you need it . otherwise where will you out in such dark? By the way you are all alone in your room. The Azad's aren't home either. Hope you aren't scared." Surjit asked her caringly.

" no no Aunty, I'm not scared or anything. Sheela had told me before that they are all going to to their village today." Radha replied so as to not go into much details.

"if you want you can have Namita come over, or you can come over here. Have dinner also. Then you wont even need this salt. It's a perfect plan. So tell me what do you want to eat?" Surjit asked her quite excitedly.

"aunty, I love your cooking but I have already cooked dinner, so I can't join today ,maybe some other day. Thanks for your offer. And im not scared Aunty. Nothing scares me. Im fine Aunty." Radha stated .

"fine, its your call. By the way do you know where Namita is. She had told me that she will be late but I didn't expect her to be this late . its 7.10" Surjit asked worriedly.

"im not sure Aunty. But if I know, i'll inform you first. Thanks for the salt. " Radha told as she left the house. As soon as she came out , she smirked to herself cuz she knew it pretty well as to where Namita was.

"Buaji told me that you were at our house yesterday?" Namita asked Radha while they were sitting under a tree, in that september afternoon sun, the next day at their college campus.

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