Slacking off

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"Tamu beti, can you please give us a moment" said Radha as tried getting up from the bed. Hearing that Tamoghnana and Anita left the room and shut the door.
"Come here Luv." Radha asked Eklavya to sit beside him. He did exactly as she asked him to. Radha looked at him and slowly crept her hands over his stomach and back and rounded him in a big, giant hug. She kissed his shoulder and asked.
"What happened Luv? Why does Tejpal bother you so much?"
"You don't know, you used to date him." Eklavya said as he tried not to melt in the warmth of The hug.
"That was about thirty years ago. This can't be it. There's something else. Wait! Are you worried about what happened last year?" Radha asked looking up at him into his eyes.
"I- i-. Ah god. I can't lie to that face. Yes, it is about that. The way her was looking at you and when you got to him and you held his hand and consoled him you know." Eklavya sighed.
"He had had a divorce." Radha said and then continued,"was it just that?"
"Namita also told me something." Eklavya looked to the ceiling.
"About how you used to get proposals from so many good looking guys in your college. Seniors, juniors and that one- captain of something. He was- uhmm Prem something I guess."
"Huh?" Radha loosened the embrace and shifted back. "What did she tell you about Prem Joshi?" Radha asked, frowning her eyebrows.
"Well, she said that he was very handsome and a guy with a great body and you both had.... in a closet in your library." Eklavya said.
"No we did not. Why would she say that." Radha jerked backwards.
"Yeah I didn't believe her first too, but then even I remembered that some guy used to come to you house sometimes." Eklavya shrugged his shoulders.
"Yeah, because I used to tutor him."
"So.. you never like had anything with that guy?" Eklavya asked.
"Noo. It was 27 years ago. Eklavya there's something else, isn't there?" Radha raised her eyebrow
"Fine. You'll make me say it. It may seem petty but, I sometimes feel...."
"No, I mean, like what if you get tired of me. I'm already losing my hair. And yes, maybe a bit jeal-"
"So you're jealous? Oh god. Eklavya, just get baby album of Tamu. Its lying right there in that suitcase." Radha sat up straight and as Eklavya brought the album, Radha turned to a picture and asked him,
"What do you see?"
"Its the photo of the three of us. When Tamu was born. I remember, your bhaiya took it outside the hospital." Eklavya replied
"Do I look upset?" Radha asked.
"No" Eklaya replied, confused.
"Do you know how I knew that I was pregnant. Did I ever tell you that story?" Radha asked
"Umm, wait no actually-"
"If you remember, it was June 1999, I was in school and I just got up from my seat in the staffroom and, when I got up, I felt a little hazed.
Then, on a Saturday morning, I took amma for a blood test and decided to get one for myself as well. Guess what the doctor told me once the report was back. She said,"congratulations, you are pregnant. But your Hb is low." My amma was there." Radha chuckled.
"What? Mummy knew about us?"
"No, I hadn't told her. But when I heard the news you know what I was thinking? "I need to eat some pomegrante" Radha chuckled
"Ahnn" Eklavya smiled.
"I wasn't least bit worried about being pregnant. Because I knew one thing, that a day might come when all the stars might run out of their fuel. But a day where my Luv leaves my side, will never arrive." Radha just flipped through the album.
Eklavya was just staring at her, in awe. He felt ashamed said.
"I'm so sorry Radha. I'm the worst. How could i ever doubt you?"
Radha didn't know what to say, she just smiled.
"Yes?" Radha said as Eklavya abruptly stopped.
"This will seem petty again but, we haven't had sex in a month and I'm just worried that we are going to be one of those couples who sleep in separate bedrooms."
"Ohh baby" Radha put her hands on his cheeks.
"And those noises you've been making in the bathroom."
"What?" Radha asked
"Yeah those- aah, aaa kind of noises whenever you shower."
"I've been telling you for ages Luv, take a shower at night. The warm.water on your cold skin will give you orgasms." Radha exclaimed
"Ohh oh oh. Thats what it is. I thought you were using the hand shower."
"That's just nasty." Radha removed her hands.
"Look, we used to have At least some kind of action every night, Even when we were really tired because we liked it, but , nah just leave it"
"Tell me Luv"
"That you don't find me as sexy as before. Maybe you'll get bored of me. I mean , look at you, And look at me here, losing an entire family of clients." Eklavya mentioned.
"The Khanna's. They said these golden words to me just last week, Mr.Verma, you are a very good lawyer, but I think we are going to change our family lawyer. We hope there are no hard feelings."
"Oh my. Are you okay Eklavya? They were kinda a big client for you." Radha said
"And you know what I replied, okay sir. Wish the best to you and your family." Eklavya mentioned
"Its not- um- that-"
"Its a big deal. And look at you. You're so fierce with it." Eklavya sighed.
"Its okay Eklavya. Thats what I like about you. That you're soft and sensitive." Radha replied.
"Maybe. But that isn't sexy." Eklavya answered
Radha looked down and then suddenly kissed Eklavya.
"You are the sexiest man alive." Radha said as kissed his earlobe.
"Oh oh its happening.oh yes" Eklavya slowly moaned.
"Eklavya is husband. And how dare you call my husband 'not sexy'." Said Radha as she moved down on his body. They pulled over the bedsheet and there was some rustling going on beneath until their son came into the room unannounced.
"Aaaaaaa" Samarthya screamed as he shut the door and moved out.
A nude Radha sat up with Eklavya on the bottom when they both realised that it was Samarthya and Tamoghana's room.
Radha quickly put on her suit and Eklavya said,"where are you going? Its alright, come back please."
As they both came out, they saw no one in the corridor but as she looked down, she saw Samarthya standing on the staircase with a disgusted expression.
"Oh Eklavya. Say something." Radha tapped as she whispered.
"Meh. That was unexpected. Hey, let's go our my room. Sex feels different after a month baby." Eklavya said as he slid his arm into neckline amd kissed it
"Shut up. Don't you see Arth there?" Radha hit his arm.
"He's going to fine Anu, come lets-" before Eklavya could finish Radha started walking towards her son and upon seeing his mother, Samarthya ran straight into the bathroom.

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