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Tejpal and his friends were sitting at the local tea stall located near his college. Although it was a day off from his Law college, he had come up there to meet up with his friends. As they were sitting there, they Saw a girl pass by. She had short curly hair and a very fair skin, she was wearing a pink sweater with a black overcoat and black pants. Tejpal struck eyes with her and smiled a little. The girl didn't smile back, but simply nodded her head in acknowledgment. The girl's Beauty had gathered all his friends' attention. She slipped a little on the mud and almost all the boys got up to help her. She didn't fall down but found Tejpal near her, trying to help her up.
"Uhmm" tejpal's friends hummed in unison as the girl got up and said ,"thank you". Paying no attention to them, the girl walked off. She was smiling and internally screaming with happiness.
She had completed her secondary high school from St.Bede's college and whilst she was in class 11, she had seen this guy, Tejpal, a lot around her college with girls of class 12. Even though it was almost 2 and a half years ago, the memory of her bumping into him and losing balance and him helping her up was still afresh in her head. Monica always had something in her heart for senior boys. Though she was still in the second year of college, her current boyfriend was 24 and away in Delhi. And this Tejpal, was, infact, a year and a half older. She knew everything about him, from his parents to his college to his friends' names. Not because she was a desperate stalker, but because they were neighbours. Once, when she was in class 11 and he in class 12, Monica sent across a love letter, and her audacity knew no limits. She handed the letter to Tejpal's then-girlfriend, Radha, on their way to school. Even then he didn't acknowledge her existence, which triggered her even more and made her courageous enough to talk to him, one-on-one.
"I am very sorry if my letter embarrassed you." Monica said as she stood in front of his house.
"No no, its not that. Its just that I am in a relationship right now." Tejpal replied.
"Oh oh, its fine, seriously, no need to feel guilty. She's a lucky girl. Who is she?" Monica asked, even though she knew it was Radha.
"I- I don't think that's relevant. Anyways-"
"Oh no, its fine. I know how other girls are you know, I'm sure you don't want to make your girlfriend insecure or jealous." Monica slowly laughed.
"Its quite the opposite actually. She was the one who handed the letter, and she even laughed about it." Tejpal answered.
"Uhmm. I feel so sorry for you. How innocent you are. You should know that girls hide their true intentions a lot of times."
"So what intention are you hiding?" Tejpal countered.
"No not me, I meant other girls, not me. I'm very chill." Monica replied.
"Well, I don't see a problem with being mildly assertive. Anyways, I gotta go. Take care." Tejpal said
"Bye bye, Tejpal. If you need something, I'm always here." Monica waved.
But very soon Monica broke away from this line of thought and continued trudging along the road, well versed with the fact that she has a loyal, caring boyfriend, who she absolutely loves and is going to marry in her near future.

It was around 5 in the evening, Eklavya had reached home and as he opened the door to his room, his mouth was left opened as well. There was Radha, as beautiful as always. She was wearing the same red saree she wears when she does riyaz. Just as Eklavya stepped into his room, his eyes still affixed at her long black hair, Radha turned back. She had applied kajal and was looking ethereal with her small nose ring.
"Aap aa Gaye?" Radha stepped closer to him, as her payal made a noise.
"You must be tired" Said Radha in a seductive manner as she untied his necktie and unbuttoned his coat.
"Woh, ahh-" Eklavya fumbled and Radha shushed him. Pretty soon he realised that his sweater was removed and Radha was unbuttoning his shirt while biting her red lips. For some reason, Eklavya wasn't wearing a vest either. The way Radha unbuttoned his shirt, exposed his bare chest. As she raved down and completely unbuttoned and opened his cuffs, she came very close to him. Tilting her head, she went deep into his neck. Her mere breathe sent titillations across Eklavya's body, compelling him to say, "I'm still swe- sweaty."
"Follow me" said Radha as she went Into his bathroom. He followed her.
"Whatever you sa-say." Eklavya said and followed her inside. As he stepped in, he saw her facing the opposite side.
"Come closer" Radha said as she took a mug of hot water. Eklavya stepped closer and she slowly poured the water onto his collarbone. Just as the water was flowing down, Radha slightly bent and gulped in some water off of his chest, sending shivers down his spine. Radha smirked and turned around saying,
"Open my blouse" Eklavya gulped in his saliva, and reached for the zipper. Just as he touched her, Radha said,"use your lips" Radha spoke.
Eklavya was still in a unbelievable state, yet he came near her, his warm breathe making Radha skin. With his teeth, he pulled down the zipper and the blouse loosened. She wasn't wearing a brassiere. Just as he was about to touch her, she slapped his hand and pulled the blouse down by herself. Keeping her pallu still intact she turned front, and refilling the mug, she poured some of the leftover water from the mug onto her chest, making the pallu slick back and extremely transparent. Eklavya's gaze was stuck at her transparent chest. Just as he was coming near her neck, Radha splashed an entire mug onto his face. As Eklavya rubbed the water off of his eyes, he saw his bedroom's ceiling amd Ravi in front him with a glass of water saying,"get up bhaiya." Seeing his brother, Eklavya was filled with rage. He kicked Ravi, just above his waist for waking him up from the sweet dream. He got up straight and punched Ravi
"Oww" Ravi cried as he held his arm, where he was punched.
Eklavya kicked him again and slapper his head.
"Oww, what are you doing?" Ravi cried and in response he punched Eklavya on his face, with full force. Eklavya's lip tore and there was a slight bleeding. Eklavya got up and using his hieght to his advantage, he knocked Ravi onto his bed, and started hitting his back.
"Why are you hitting me? You motherfu-" Ravi pushed Eklavya away and ran downstairs. Eklavya followed behind him, until he saw Radha standing at the front door. She was wearing the same red saree, with the exact same blouse and her hair was open just like in his, 'funny dream'. His rage lowered and his hormones started acting up. just then, he remembered that he had to go and do riyaz with her today.
Ravi ran and hid behind a confused Radha.
"What? Wha-. What are you two doing Eklavya?" Radha asked.
"Umm- nothing nothing, we were just... so what brings you here. You look very beautif-." Eklavya slowed his pace and induced a smile.
"Didi, protect me. He's hitting me." Ravi spoke out.
"What? Why but-?"
"Haha, you know Radha, how younger siblings are. I just ran after him and he got scared." Eklavya laughed as he stepped near.
"No didi. Look here, he punched me and kicked me." Ravi showed his arm.
"Oh my god. What were you two doing? Huh Eklavya? How can you raise your hand on your brother. He's a child afterall." Radha said as she caressed Ravi's arm
"An 18 years old child?" Eklavya asked, sarcastically. "Come on, stop whining. I didn't even hit you that Hard. See. There isn't even a bruise." Eklavya said as he stepped near Ravi and while touching his arm, he pegged the skin of his lower back, gesturing him to stop.
"Aaaa" Ravi snifled and became quiet.
"Are you okay?" Radha asked Ravi.
"N-n-n, I mean yes" Ravi succumbed as Eklavya's grip got stronger.
"Well, whatever it is between the two of you, sort it out." Radha turned to Eklavya and said, "hope you're free?"
"Yeah yeah, sure. Let's go. I'll get the tabla" Eklavya replied.
"Hmm" and Radha turned back. Because she was wearing the saree in the Gujarati style, her waist was pretty much visible. Eklavya's gaze fell on it and stayed there, until, Ravi slapped him back to reality.
"Just wait" Eklavya pointed to Ravi as he ran upstairs.

Earlier that day, Radha was in her college, wearing same salwaar kameez and just flouncing around with kajal, her friend.
"So, you're tutoring PREM JOSHI and you've not even made an effort to look sexy." Kajal asked.
"Why should I?" Radha mumbled.
"I Mean, Kajal, why should I. I'm sure if he looks like that, he must be having a girlfriend. Also im not attracted to him" Radha replied.
"You must be crazy to say that. Who doesn't love PREM? If he had asked me to spend some time in the library, I would've put on the best clothes and makeup." Kajal said
"Haan haan, whatever. Its 225, where is he even? " said Radha as she stepped down to the football field, where he saw some boys changing clothes and washing their face, apparantly after a 'tideous' match.
"Kajal, he failed the final year of college. Now he's repeating it. Do you think attraction to such a person is-" Radha stopped midway just as she saw Prem joshi, shirtless, pouring water onto himself, all covered in sweat.
"Hello?" Kajal snapped her fingers.
"Hmm, yes yes? " Radha replied.
"Enjoy the show." Kajal laughed and went away, with a tinge of envy in her smile.
"Radha?" Prem came to her.
"Huh- Hmm. Aah, yes?" Radha replied.
"Hey, uhh. Just wait in the library for 10 minutes. I'll be there." Prem said.
"Oh okayy" Radha replied.
As she was sitting on the table waiting, she unintentionally, began imagining Prem sitting next to her, and sniffing her neck. Him leaning inside her deep cut suit, into her cleavage as she seated herself on his lap. His hand, slipping into her suit and getting way below her stomach and testing her patience to teasing. She slowly moaned while thinking all this, when Prem actually stepped up
"I'm so sorry. But I can't come today." Prem said.
"Huh? Oh yeas- it's okay fine" Radha fumbled a bit making him smirk.
"Great. See you" Prem said as he turned back.
"Okayy, bye" Radha slowly waved and stopped with a flush of embarrassment.
Just the next day, was a Sunday, Radha and Prem had decided over the phone that he will come to her house so that she can tutor him on alternate days so they can align with the other tuitions she takes at home. When, In the morning, she had decided with Eklavya that they'll do the riyaz together for an upcoming competition at the Nauni University in Solan.

Shivansh was at the office, where he was paired with another intern to work with in sorting some paper work. Completing their work in about half an hour, the two of them began chatting. Kavita mentioned how she was forced into a loveless marriage and how she was loving her youth stuck with a loveless man. Shivansh sympathized with her, and taking advantage of the fact of knowing her for nearly a month now and his decent looks, he made her sit on his lap.
He kissed her neck and slid his hand into her cleavage, pushing aside her brown hair. Kavita kept up by opening his shirt's buttons and unbuckling his pant. Shiv took the signal and took off his pants and made Kavita sit on top of him. As they both proceeded into moaning and kissing and having sex, Shiv picked up the landline and dailed a number.
"Hello. Is Monica around?" He asked.
"Don't you recognise my voice babe? And why are you panting?" Monica asked.
"I was doing some cardio exercises my Moni." Shiv said, as he was inside Kavita, making her ride .
"Oh oka-"
"Baby, I just want to say, I love you."Shiv said pushing harder. Moved by this sudden display of affection, Monica forgave Shiv for not writing back or calling her and instantly melted.
Shiv melted too, inside of Kavita.
"Cheater" Kavita said.
"Aren't you one as well?' Shiv replied. Kavita pulled him closer, kissing him.

Radha had prepared lunch for everyone, but since Eklavya was taking a nap, she didn't wake him up. It was nearly 3 p.m now. Since Prem hadnt showed up, she thought maybe he forgot and so, she put on her saree in a Gujarati style, so that there is an easy flow while taking the chakkars. She decided not to braid her hair today and went straight to Eklavya's. She hadn't removed the red lipstick, she put on to impress Prem. She asked Ravi to wake Eklavya up and after their 'fight' she took Eklavya with his dance to her room. She did notice Eklavya smile a lot and stealing glances at her and occasionally adjusting his pajamas.
Beginning with tatkaar and some warmup, she started practising the item. She stopped midway saying," ah. This fever is killing me. I cant even dance properly. How will i even qualify?"
"Are you sick?" Eklavya asked.
"Just a little flu." Radha replied.
"Is Yashwanti (another dancer in Radha's class) performing with you as well?" Eklavya asked.
"Umm, yeah."
"Do you know something Radha. The one who wins this competition night get the leading role in Sardaari begum, an upcoming film."
"What? How do you know this Eklavya?"
"I'm with the musicians Radha. I know a lot. So. Do you want the role?"
"So, let's use some help then"
"I don't think, we should.." Radha bit her fingernails.
"You are very talented Radha. I'll just help you. The rest of the hardwork would be all yours. I want to see you win." Eklavya said.
"But what will we even do?" Radha asked.
"Leave that to me..."

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