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Radha adjusted her dupatta and went towards her husband's car. Since Eklavya wasn't  in the car, or near it, Radha made a frantic call. After trying for nearly three times, he picked up her phone,
"Where are you?" Radha angrily asked.
"I'm coming. Just wait there?" Eklavya stated.
"That's not an answer, where are you? Come fast." Radha yelled, against the noise in her background.
"Don't yell at me. I SAID I'M COMING." Eklavya yelled over the phone and hung up.
"Where is everyone?" Radha was just wondering and as she was about to call Samarthya, he showed up with Anwesha, raging towards the car with Anwesha running behind him with her short legs.
"You shouldn't talk to your sister this way Samrth-"
"What happened?" Radha suddenly asked.
"Nothing, mumma." Samarthya spoke out.
Just then Tamoghana came from behind him, and seeing her mother, she was mortified.
"Where is Namita and Keshav and that friend of his." Radha asked Tamoghana.
"I DON'T KNOW MA" Tamoghana yelled.
"What's up with y'all? Come on, let's go back inside, the burning will start anytime" Radha gestured.
"You go mumma. We will come" Samarthya replied.
"Where is papa?" Tamoghana asked.
"I have no idea. I'll just go inside and find Namita."
"She left ma-"
"Keshav and Kaustubh wanted to go home early so, maasi went with them both." Samarthya saie whe cutting Tamoghana. An infuriated Tamoghana waited for her mother to leave and, just as soon as Radha disappeared into the crowd, Tamoghana hit Samarthya on the head, saying,"you're my younger brother, behave like one."
"What is your problem?" Samarthya said, holding the back of his head.
"HOW dare you disrespect me back there! What is your problem? Are you sweet for that- Anwesha, could give us both a moment alone?" Tamoghana stopped midway and asked Anwesha go move a little farther.
"Its not about what or who I like. Its about you always screwing up situations." Samarthya spoke.
"Like you are a golden child huh?" Tamoghana spoke out sharply.
"At least I'm better than you are. You were caught with a cigarette in class 10, and to make matters worse, it wasn't even your cigarette, it was your boyfriend's, who was in college." Samarthya retaliated.
"It was because Ma-"
"Surprise surprise! Now you blame our mother." Samarthya interrupted Tamoghana.
"Its not my fault if you are a Mama's boy alright. We all know that you are her favourite. Well, I doesn't matter, because I'm an independent individual-"
"You are an independant WHORE, Who is pregnant at the age of 22 with a Muslim boy." Samarthya replied. Tamoghana widened her eyes and with all her force, slapped her brother. She was breathing heavily and then she slapped him again, with much more force. At that moment Anwesha, interceded and separated the two.
"He's pointing fingers at me whilst he himself?" Tamoghana looked at Samarthya, "What have you done Samarthya. At least I qualified the JEE Advance, went to IIT Bombay, doing my masters in math. What are you doing, couldn't  even qualify the NEET exam, the simplest exam to ever exist. Now you are just sitting at home, being smothered by your mom, and training to be a courtesan." Tamoghana pulled behind and went into the crowd.
"Its alright Samarthya." Anwesha came near Samarthya as she saw him being shocked and utterly mortified. Anwesha asked him to open the car door and sit inside, have some water and cool down a little.
Ravi and Anita were standing near a stall when they got the news that the burning of Ravana has started, Anita asked
"Ravi, where is bhaiya-bhabhi?"
"I don't know, bhaiya told me that he was going to the car to get something, wait, let me call him."
Just then Radha showed up from behind grabbing both Anita and Ravi's attention.
"Where were you bhabhi?  And where are the kids"  Anita asked
"Ah Anita, they said they'll come. Let's go."
Saying that, Radha took little Sahil with her and Ravi, Anita and Vansh, followed her.
The main shooter, shot the fire-armed arrow at the Ravana's huge statue and other people followed suit. The magnificence created by the burning of all the ten heads of the mighty statue, was indescribable. Radha stood with Sahil and Vansh, while, Anita and Ravi looked at each other, smiled and Ravi took Anita in his embrace. All of them stood there, With the fire of truth glaring in their eyes.
"Where is Tamu and Arth bhabhi?" Ravi asked.
"I don't know Ravi, I guess, they must be still near the car. Probably getting away from all the crowd."  Radha replied whilst patting Sahil's head and him getting irritated.
"Why are smoking a cigarette? Are you crazy?" Yusuf yelled at Tamoghana on the video call she had dialed him, after her big fight.
"The baby's dead Yusu. Does it even matter." Tamoghana spoke out sharply.
"Still. What if your pains increase? Have you been taking your medicines to soothe the pain?" Yusuf politely asked her.
"YES I AM TAKING THE MEDICINES."  Tamoghana yelled at her.
"Why are you yelling at me? And PUT DOWN THAT CIGG-"
"What's the point of calling you, if you're going to lecture me like my parents?" Tamoghana snapped. Just then, Radha came from behind and Tamoghana jerked, dropping her phone into a nearby bush, which unexpectedly had deep puddle at its bottom, and Tamoghana saw her phone's screen sinking down below, before she could catch hold of it.
"What fell?" Radha asked.
"Nothing ma, just some stone" said Tamoghana without coming too close.
"You smoking?" Radha quickly realised.
"Ma uh-"
"I cannot believe you. Do you want to kill your baby? Oh Goodness, you just keep making one mistake after the other and expect COOPERATION FROM US!" Radha yelled at Tamoghana. She couldn't speak anything, and just stood there, wondering what is do, so she decided to follow her mother who was rushing towards their car in angst. She could only speak,"Ma wait.."

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