Surprise Surprise.

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Hey dear readers,
Hope you liked the previous chapter. Well in this chapter we are coming back to present to see what happens with Radha as she faces the turmoil of life.

"Eklavya" said Radha as she untied her long locks, sitting in front of the mirror.
"Hmm?" her husband asked her coming from behind, looking dismal.
"I know that you are upset with me for raising my hand on our daughter today-"
"Its not about that. She made a mistake and you are allowed to have a reaction. I still can't believe that my daughter could do something like this behind our backs-" Eklavya interrupted Radha.
"Yes, I am very disappointed in her,but I didn't react the way did, just because of my disappointment." Radha said ,as breathed heavily.
"Oh my- do you need water?" Eklavya panicked.
"No no. Its not another panic attack. I'm just contemplating. I think I should talk to her, just the two of us."Radha mentioned as she oiled her hair.
"There's something I wanna tell her."Radha said as she combed her hair gently.
"Well. I also need to speak with her and maybe we can both do it tomorrow-"
"What If she does something wrong right now?"Radha asked." I'm going there right now." She got up from from her dressing table, went near the cupboard, took out a key from her purse and opened a locked  cabinet with that key. She took out an album from inside. It was covered with dust and Eklavya seemed to somewhat recognise it. Before he could ask anything, she went out of the room. She knocked on Tamoghana's door. It seemed like it was open so she entered and she saw both her kids there, with Samarthya comforting Tamoghana.
"I need to talk to you. Get up" Radha announced.
"Go away ma."Tamoghana said
" yes mummy. It might not be a good time."Arth supported his sister.
"I think it's time you know the truth Amu. Just listen to me."Radha said. Hearing this Tamoghana slowly got up preventing any eye contact. Radha came and sat next to her, holding her hand into her own.
"Look at me amu." Radha said. Both Amu and arth started looking at her." I said, Amu not arth. Go into your room."Radha said looking at Arth.
" But this is my room-" Arth replied.
"Just get out of here." Radha warned him. His sister also gestured him to leave. Thus, with a disappointed face, he left.
"Have a look at this Amu." Radha handed over the album to her daughter.
"I don't wanna see my baby album and hear you ramble about how little baby girl became all grown up." Amu said.
"Just look inside it. Look at this photo." Radha said as she opened one page.
"Its you and papa, but much younger."Amu pointed out.
"It was in Andalusia, Spain."
"What you both went to Spain, when?"Amu asked looking confused
"January, 2000." Radha mentioned, smiling a little.
"So why are you showing me your honeymoon pictures?" Amu asked.
"Huh." Radha sighed."it wasn't our honeymoon. We weren't married then."
"But you had told me that you were married in October."Amu said, looking confused. She was wondering why was her mother showing her all of this tonight, suddenly.
"Yeah, October of 2000."Radha said.
"So.....? Please don't beat around the bush Ma." Amu said, irritated
"Do the math Amu." Radha said, probably hinting at something.
"What math?" Amu asked confused and impatiently.
"We got married in October and you were born in February so....." Radha said and noticed the weird looks she was getting from her daughter. An awkward silence filled the room." This is what I wanted to tell you." Radha said, drifting away her eye contact.
"I- wha-  Ma" Amu was at a loss of words." You and papa lied to me. Wait- he is my papa right?" Amu knew she said something wrong seeing the glare coming from her Ma.
"Amu. Having a baby is not what it seems like. Leave that; Being pregnant is not all fun and campy. I have gone through this once and I don't want you to go through this."Radha  mentioned
"Of course I know that Ma-" just them that saw Eklavya coming into the room.
"I was just getting worried a little."Her father mentioned.
"Amu beta, you are just 22, still in college. Think about it." Radha asked her daughter
"I will give it some thought or maybe I'll abort the baby." Amu told her parents
"Shut up." Radha hit the back of Amu's hand.
"And the boy. Who is he? What does he do? Tell us."Her father asked.
"Yes. We wanna meet him" Radha agreed.
"I'll see to that Ma. But I haven't met his parents right now."
"I'm sure you haven't." Eklavya said.
"Ma, papa?" Tamu asked her parents.," How did you feel when i was born, and like- how I, uh- ruined your life?" Amu asked nervously.
"Don't say that. You were a sweet littl-"
"I wanted to flush you down the toilet ."Radha interrupted Eklavya.
"What?" Eklavya asked. Amu seemed surprised " I know that she wasn't born at the best time, but- why would you say that." Eklavya asked her.
"Of course. Don't you remember Eklavya? I was in the 4th semester of My M.Sc, I had to give up my NET preparation next year, when she was born." Radha said, sounding very bitter." This is what it is Amu. Pregnancy, childbirth are something you and your husband should enjoy. He should take care of you, look after you, spoil you etc." Radha mentioned.
"Didn't I care enough for you?" Eklavya  nudged Radha.
"Its not that Eklavya. You did a lot. But Amu, see, Don't feel bad, but honestly I did resent you a lot initially. And leave the fact that you put a break on my career, you would cry all night, sometimes you wouldn't come to me, and- I felt that I'm not deserving to be a mom. I realise now that all of this was just because I was pretty overwhelmed myself. Huh.... I don't want you to go through that." Radha held Amu's hand.
"She is uttering non sense. She was so good at being a mom. I couldn't figure out anything at all."Eklavya  tried to lighten the mood.
The tension in the family started to diffuse and everything got certain. Her mother finally said,"now don't think much about it and go to sleep alright?"
"I'm feeling better now Ma." Amu smiled
Her parents went off to sleep and so did she. Samarthya had been eavesdropping on them all this while and had a faint idea of what had happened. All the others in the family too were curious but, they decided to ask what happened, the next day.

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