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Samarthya had just come down to the hall from his bedroom. After texting someone, he went to the washroom, as his mother came out of the kitchen.
Radha saw him going off and his phone left behind on the sofa. She quickly grabbed it and was happy to see it was unlocked. She searched his last used apps and opened WhatsApp. The latest chat was with a girl, who had studied with his the same class in school, and was apparantly his 'friend'. Radha knew all this as she was a teacher in the same school. She opened the chats and scrolled upwards to see
"I like you Sam. I wanna be more than just friends" a text from the girl's side.
To which Samarthya had replied something ,"I'm sorry, but the truth is, I'm not into girls"
It was followed by a series of chats, discussing classmates and celebrities.
"Mumma" samarthya uttered in shock as he stood next to her.
Radha jerked a bit and stared at him. Seeing his phone in his mother's hand, Samarthya figured out what had happened and stood affixed, unable to process the reality.
Tamoghana was on her phone, talking when she came in. Reading the situation quickly, she moved forward to her mother. Radha however said, "you have a missed call"
"Huh?" Samarthya asked, looking at his mother, who still had the same expression. Her eyebrows weren't frowned and her eyes seemed to convey hurry.
"Take you phone. Someone was calling you." Radha handed out the phone.
"Ahhm" samarthya still stood there shocked. Radha came near him and slapped the phone into his hand, and the screen was still open on the WhatsApp chat. Radha went upstairs and Samarthya still couldn't comprehend.
"Why were you making that face?" Tamoghana came near and asked Samarthya breaking away his shocked state.
"Huh- I mean, what face?"
"The same face you make when do mischiefs. You know biting your lips." Tamoghana emphasised "No, no not you Yusu." Tamoghana yelled into her phone before hanging up.
"I wasn't maki-" samarthya stopped halfway.
"What did Ma even see?" Tamoghana asked.
"She opened my chats didi. And look it's on the chat where Aditi sent me a picture of young brad pitt and I called him a hot meal."
"So- what! How come is she so silent. Arth, its the silence before a storm. You better hide."
"What? Where. I mean why should I hide. I don't think she saw anything." Samarthya implied.
"Oh I'm sure she did. I bet she went upto her room to warm her hands to beat you." Tamoghana added.
"Shut up yaar" samarthya went away.
"I HAVE KNOWN HER LONGER THAN YOU." Tamoghana shouted. Amidst all this, she saw a text, from Yusuf on Messenger. It was however sent much before their call, around 5 p.m.

Kaustubh was on call with Keshav where he told him about his small interaction with Tamoghana.
"Are you crazy?" Keshav yelled at him.
"Why?" Kasutubh asked, oblivious to the obvious.
"That chick dumped you, on text." Keshav pointed out.
"But what? She dated you and once you went long distance, she dumped you, over text, saying that she could do 'better" Keshav yanked off.
"You're righ-"
"Bro, you went over to her house like a Desperate dog, begging her to like you again. Honestly dude, I expected better." Keshav said.
"Well, I'm home alone bro. I was feeling lonely so... also, she was very good with me." Kaustubh retaliated.
"The next time you feel lonely, just remember what that hoe did to you." Keshav replied.
"Don-t call her that" Kaustubh murmered to himself.
"Whatever bro-" Keshav started narrating another incident to him.

"Is that what you want to do all day?" Anwesha mother barged in her room.
"Mumma, I literally just took my phone to see a message. I'm going to the dance class." Anwesha replied.
"You sure are" her mother remarked. Paying no heed to her mother's statement, Anwesha walked out of the house.
As she reached Maiyaaji's dance room, she was met by Samarthya's back as she accidently bumped into it.
"Oh sorry sorry" Anwesha apologised.
"Look where you're going" Samarthya said, in a mocking tone.
"Hey, don't be mean" Anwesha slightly slapped his arm.
Radha came in and they both started the tatkaar. Anwesha noticed Samarthya getting extremely weird as soon as his mother stepped in. After the warmup, Radha spoke up.
"I want you both to prepare the kalavati tarana for an upcoming performance in the khajurao festival."
"Whaa-" Anwesha couldnt believe what she had just heard. She looked over to Samarthya and seeing that he wasn't excited at all, she shook him saying,"we are performing in the Khajurao festival!"
"You aren't performing there. First at the gaiety and then if you are asked to, then, khajurao." Radha interrupted. "However I'm sure you'll make it" Radha continued.
Samarthya broke the soulless stare at the ceiling and smiled a bit, with a tinch of confusion.
"Come on, start." Radha asked them to choreograph the tarana and then show her.
"Should we choreograph ourselves?" Samarthya asked.
"You tell. You both have been learning since you were six, you both have Visharads and you've performed on stage multiple times.before." Radha mentioned.
"Okay maiyyaji, we will manage." Anwesha replied with Samarthya kept looking at his kurta.
"Just one thing. Only you two shall perform, so, make it a point that you make efficient use of two bodies." Radha mentioned as she got up.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Samarthya quickly asked.
"Umm, like a.. jugalbandi (duet). Come here I'll show you.." Radha proceeded to show a video of two very well versed Kathak artists, Naheed siddiqui and Durga Lal ji. Samarthya understood what his mother wanted, but he felt a queezy as he neared his mother due to the incident of yesternight.
Just as Samarthya left the room, and Anwesha was approaching Radha to take her blessings, Radha asked Anwesha, "is something bothering you Anwesha? I hope your studies aren't getting affected by all these routines at school and-"
"I'm fine maiyyaji, its nothing like that."
"You seemed distracted today?" Radha nudged.
"Its something about my school friends maiyyaji." Anwesha sighed.
"Oh I always thought your friends circle was good." Radha mentioned ( Radha was a PGT teacher at Anwesha's school, in addition to being her classteacher as well.)
"Umm, maiyaaji, can I tell you something?" Anwesha asked.
"Uhmm" Radha nodded, seeming worried.
"Its about a friend of mine. Her parents had gotten a divorce in February this year, and I think she isn't really well."
"Hmm. I know beta. But that's life. Oh that poor child." Radha replied. They both knew it was Sejal yet, no one mentioned her name blatantly.
"Last night, she was at my house and she sort of had a breakdown. You know mam, I mean, Maiyyaji, she is very close with her father and after the divorce, she doesn't get to see him much."
"I know what you mean. I know both her parents beta. But, neither you nor I can interfere."
"But I want to help her. She will not ask for help, but she obviously needs it." Anwesha answered.
"Well, you aren't wrong. Does her father not have a custody?" Radha asked.
"No mam, she doesn't get to meet him as much and she told me that her mother is too busy."
"Uhmm, well. I'll see. And don't worry, I won't take your name." Radha ensured. Anwesha didn't say much, but just nodded her head and went out.

Radha ki leelaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora