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As Tamoghana walked home from work, she spotted her father, Eklavya, approaching from the opposite direction. Their eyes met, and a smile spread across Eklavya's face as he quickened his pace to meet her.

Eklavya: "Hey, Tamu! How was your day?"

Tamoghana: "It was good, Dad. How about yours?"

Eklavya chuckled. "Oh, you know, the usual. But it's always nice to come home."

As they reached the doorstep, Eklavya gestured for Tamoghana to enter first. Tamoghana smiled and stepped inside, holding the door open for her father.

Once inside, they heard raised voices coming from the kitchen. Tamoghana furrowed her brow in concern, exchanging a worried glance with her father.

Tamoghana: "What's going on in there?"

Eklavya shook his head with a knowing smile. "Looks like your mom and chachi are having one of their discussions again."

Without a word, they made their way towards the source of the commotion, their footsteps echoing in the hallway.

As they entered the kitchen, they found Radha and Anita engaged in a heated argument.

Radha: "Anita, I've told you a hundred times, I don't need your interference in my life!"

Anita: "But Radha didi, I'm just trying to help! You need to listen to me!"

Tamoghana and Eklavya exchanged a glance, silently agreeing to give the two women some space to resolve their dispute. With a subtle nod, they retreated from the kitchen, leaving Radha and Anita to their conversation.

Eklavya turned to Tamoghana with a reassuring smile.

Eklavya: "Let's give them some time to sort things out, Tamu. They'll figure it out."

Tejpal's eyes narrowed with a sense of vindication as Moti's (his wife's nickname) accusations flew like arrows aimed at his pride. He stood his ground, his voice firm and unwavering in the face of her anger.

Tejpal: "Puchhu's struggles have nothing to do with Radha, Moti. It's your neglect that's to blame."

Moti's retort was swift and cutting, her words laced with bitterness as she hurled her accusations at him like daggers aimed at his heart.

Moti: "Oh, spare me your excuses, Tejpal. Maybe if you spent less time with that Radha, our daughter wouldn't be struggling so much!"

Tejpal's lips curled into a satisfied smirk at the mention of Radha's name, a flicker of longing igniting within him as he remembered what could have been.

Tejpal: "Radha would have made a better mother for Puchhu than you ever will, Moti. She cared more about her than you ever have."

Moti's eyes widened in disbelief at his audacity, her anger boiling over as she hurled accusations of infidelity at him, each word a dagger aimed at his pride.

Moti: "I know what's been going on between you two!"

Tejpal's smirk only widened at her accusations, his heart swelling with a sense of contentment at the thought of what could have been with Radha by his side.

Tejpal: "You have no right to accuse me of cheating, Moti. Radha has always been a caring friend to me, nothing more."

Moti's tears fell like raindrops, but Tejpal felt no remorse. Instead, he felt a sense of satisfaction at having defended Radha, knowing deep down that she was the one who got away.

As Moti stormed out of the room, her cries echoing in his ears, Tejpal felt a sense of peace wash over him. In that moment, he knew that he would always regret not marrying Radha, but he also knew that he had made the right choice for himself.

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