10-25 The Treasure of Pontypandy Pete

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Hey you all. I know that 'The Treasure of Pontypandy Pete' wasn't the last episode in the original, but it was in Germany and it fits better for my story at the end of season 10. So please ignore the fact that I took this liberty. With the upcoming episodes I will stick to the first broadcast dates. Have fun while reading.

A few weeks later and at the end of season 10

"I'll go and change while the two of them argue here. Will you take me up to the station with you then, Sam?" Penny asked me with a smile as she walked past me. I could understand her. This argument between Norman and Professor Pickles over the name of the Pontypandy Seafaring Museum was getting boring.

"Of course, Penny," I replied with a smile and watched her for a moment before I turned away and went to Venus, which I had parked around the corner, to wait for Penny.

"And Sam, how's it going?" I was startled when my brother suddenly stood next to me and grinned at me as soon as I got behind the wheel in Venus. He leaned casually against Venus's frame and on the door so I couldn't close it. I've been trying to avoid my brother a lot lately. I had been more successful so far than at this moment. He was terribly curious and even though I knew he was only doing it because he wanted to see me happy, our conversation a few weeks ago had a bitter aftertaste for me.

"It's giing okay," I simply replied and buckled up so as not to have to look at him.

"Only okay? Why? You gave her the last sugar apple after the fire in the coffee. I saw it with my own eyes. You know they're also called love apples?" he stated with a raised finger, which I acknowledged with a roll of my eyes.

"I know that, Charly, and that evening I made them for the whole town. Penny probably didn't worry that this one of them might have a special meaning," I clarified and Charlie's joy disappeared from his face.

"How bad. Now don't tell me you've just carried on as usual for the last few weeks?! You're supposed to impress her."

"You didn't say anything about trying to impress her, you just told me to take the stick out of my ass," I grumbled angrily and glanced at the door of the sea rescue center. Where was my salvation when I needed one?

"It's the same thing. So?!" he continued to probe and I took a deep breath. 

"I tried to be as attentive to her as possible - let her teach the new ones more, held the door open for her when she needed it, gave her the credit today and the role of Pontypandy Pete that she so wanted. In return, she recently raved to me about this actor Ryan McChin and as you can see she secretly went out with Ben to find the treasure. She didn't even ask me," I stated frustratedly. Yes, I had once again covered it up and smiled, but inside I was seething with jealousy that he had been out there alone with her and not me.

"Oh, Sam. Don't take it so seriously. Hasn't anything changed between you? I think Penny has come out of herself a lot, right?!" Charlie waved and leaned next to me with his shoulder on Venus. I sighed briefly as I thought about it.

"Yes, that's probably true. She's really loosened up a little. I think Ellie is doing her a lot of good. The two of them hang out together a lot," I said what had been going through my head several times before something else came to my mind."When she was recently stuck in the crevice in the caves with Mandy, I had the feeling for a moment that she was really happy to see me when I broke through the wall. I was too. I didn't know how else I could have gotten her out of there," I drifted into dreaming for a brief moment when I thought of her smile on that day.

"Well, you're obviously on the right track. Then why are you making such a long face?" Charlie asked with a grin as he punched me in the shoulder appreciatively, but I didn't hear him because my thoughts went another direction.

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