13-13 The Haunted Hay Ride

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Is set while Elvis and Penny install Radar's seat in Jupiter.

"Are you getting along better with Sam?" Elvis asked me as I took Radar's seat from him to put it back in Jupiter to it's new place and looked at him questioningly before I decided to continue working to cover up the unpleasantness of the situation.

"Why do you think we don't do that, Elvis?" I asked him innocently, trying to stop myself from blushing so as not to give much of myself away.

"I may be a bit scatterbrained, but I can tell when something is bothering my two best friends and I also see how much you've been staying away from each other lately," he then stated and that surprised me. Was our interaction with each other really that obvious or did everyone simply have nothing better to do or think about?

"We just had a little disagreement, Elvis. It'll be okay. We're not angry with each other."

"Is it because of the rumor that's going around about you two?" he asked me carefully and I sighed briefly and stopped tightening the screws.

"More because of the rumor going around about Sam and Ellie," I murmured quietly. What would be the point of continuing to hide it? If everyone was so concerned about us, silence wouldn't make it any better. On the contrary, people would only rhyme together more, which later led to more or even worse rumors. If I assumed that Dilys had also hinted that she felt sorry for me because Sam had cheated on me, it already turned out that everyone had thought we were together - and this at a time when we definitely weren't.

"Really? Which one is that?" I looked up at Elvis and he actually seemed surprised to hear that there was a rumor about Sam and Ellie at all - which again surprised me. How could he know about the rumor about us but not about the other one?

"That the two of them...you know..." I mumbled in embarrassment as I couldn't bring myself to say it out loud and preferred to go back to the screws.

"Sam and Ellie?" He laughed loudly and I looked up at him in confusion before pushing the seat down in its holder. "Never ever in life Sam would do that, even though Ellie is really hot, but she's not Sam's type and way too young," he waved and laughed as he climbed out of Jupiter, just like me.

"What's Sam's type then?" I replied with a innocent smile. I had to admit that Elvis' answer gave me a little hope and, above all, made me curious - after all, he had grown up with Sam.

"You." I had just picked up the parts I needed to install next under Jupiter to ensure the shutter release and froze when Elvis said that, leaning against Jupiter with his arms folded across his chest, grinning. I felt the heat rising to my cheeks and looked down as I walked to the roller board to lie on it and asked Elvis not to make such hints. "No, really, Penny. Since you came here, he look at you like he doesn't look at anyone else and no matter how good the day is starting or has been, his smile always gets a little bigger when you come in. I'm betting he has a huge crush on you, even if he never tells me an answer when I ask him about it. I know Sam. He doesn't want to lie and therefore can't deny it, but he probably doesn't want to admit it to me either. That's why he prefers to remain silent. That's how I know Sam," He just continued talking with conviction while I lay down on the roller board and pulled myself under Jupiter.

"If only everything were that simple," I murmured awkwardly, thinking about the shadow of doubt that still lingered in the back of my mind. Even though things got better between me and Sam and we decided to give each other a second chance, I couldn't completely forget.

"It's simple, Penny. He loves you. Really!" he replied and he sounded so confident that I was taken aback.

"What makes you so sure?"

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