12-03 Red Hot Chilli Nibbles

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I know this isn't the correct order in the UK version. But it is how it was aired in Germany. In order to keep the changing perspective going, I decided to swap this episode with the next one. I hope you'll forgive me. Have fun while reading.

I followed Ellie out of Jupiter as she began to instruct Sam on reversing. The hall where we had set up tables and benches gradually filled up and I was surprised to see so many faces from the city that you don't see very often, but also faces that were complete strangers. Apparently our open day continued to grow in popularity.

"Hey, Penny. Did everything go well?" Arnold asked me as I walked around Hydrus to see if I could help out at the souvenir stand.

"Everything's perfect. Bronwyn should be back soon with new hot chilli nibbles. She's gone to her private kitchen."

"I hope they don't burn again like the last ones," he sighed miserably. "Oh, by the way, people were asking about you. They're sitting... back there," he said, pointing to a table where Charlie and an older couple were sitting who I didn't recognize but seemed strangely familiar. On the other hand, I knew the other older couple and the younger man with them too well and I flinched before I backed away a little and pressed myself against Hydrus so as not to be seen."What's wrong, Penny? Are you in trouble with these People?" Arnold asked me, confused by my reaction and I shook my head.

"Are you okay, Penny?" I jumped when Sam now stood next to me and motioned for him to be quiet. He would only reveal me."What is it?"

"My parents and my brother are here."

"Oh, really?" Sam asked, showing a little more enthusiasm than I did, before he too became thoughtful. "And that's a problem because?"

"Because they're definitely going to embarrass me again in some way!" I just sighed and closed my eyes as Arnold poked his head around the corner of the wall and Sam stuck his head around Hydrus into the hall to curiously examine the object of my panic.

"Holy sparks!" Sam groaned just a moment later and shrank back just as I had just before, pressing himself right next to me just as flat against Hydrus as I was trying to make myself.

"What's wrong?" Arnold now turned to him. "Do you know them too, Sam?"

"No, but the other two sitting with them are my parents."

"Oh really?" This made me curious and I tried to squint around Hydrus again, but Sam grabbed my arm and pulled me back to Jupiter. We hid behind the fire truck and crept to the end. I had no idea what Sam had in mind, but I understood when he motioned for me to follow him. He looked at our parents' table again before he quickly started running and I immediately followed him to the coat rack where all of our animal rescue uniforms were hanging. He knelt on one bench with one knee before pushing two uniform jackets apart slightly to peer between them. We were only 2 meters away from our parents, but thanks to the loudness of all the other guests' conversations, we couldn't understand a word. "What are we doing here, Sam?" I asked him after a few minutes of strained but futile spying.

"I thought we could find out what they were talking about," he murmured, completely focused."I wonder if Malcolm brought a listening device with him?"

"Why is this interesting, Sam?"

"Because Charly is a chatterbox. This is a perfect opportunity for him. He knows that I have a cru...you know."

"And you think he'll spill the beans when your parents and my parents are sitting at the same table?"

"I don't even think it's a coincidence that they even do that. I mean, look around. We set up 50 groups of tables. What are the chances that our parents will sit at the same table?! "

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