12-02 The Zip Line of Doom

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When we got back to the mountain rescue center, we could already hear the commotion inside. Penny and I looked at each other in confusion before we ran in and froze when we saw the chaos, Elvis trying to grab Woolly and Steele standing on a chair like it was a safe island in a stormy sea.

“How did Woolly get in here?” I asked Elvis, stunned.

"I wanted to get her out."

“Through the building?”

"Of course. She must have gotten to the heli port somehow, right?" Elvis objected as he stopped in front of me and looked at me confused.

"Elvis. The landing port is built into the slope. Woolly must have just walked onto it from the meadow. Do you think we left all the doors open and she just walked upstairs?!" I replied to him, not trying to use my voice to sound as annoyed as I was feeling. I took a deep breath. "Whatever. Penny? Do you have another apple?"

"Unfortunately not, Sam," she answered me with a shrug.

"But I've! Wait, Sam," Tom called and disappeared around the corner before coming back after a few seconds and throwing me an apple like Penny had done before.

"Thanks, Tom. Well, come on, Woolly. I'll take you out. It's much nicer there anyway," I murmured reassuringly to the sheep, who immediately turned her greedy gaze to the apple in my hand and now followed me obediently. But she didn't stay so submissive for long because she obviously really wanted this apple, which led to her becoming quite pushy. "Hey, Woolly, slowly. You'll get the apple. When we're outside." I couldn't help it, but when the sheep mowed in front of me, only to narrow its eyes and rush towards me the next moment, it showed me not only that it had obviously understood me, but also that it didn't like my suggestion at all "Woah. Hey, Woolly, stop!" I protested as it rammed its head into my stomach and I found myself lying on its back. The sheep bolted again, with me on it, with one hand clinging to the wool on his hip - I was still holding the apple in the other. Anyway. I wouldn't give it up without a fight until this sheep was out of the house.

I was relieved to notice that Woolly stormed out the door and I saw that Helen stopped her and watched us in disbelief as Woolly ran past her outside with me on her back. At least something, I thought, as she threw me off and I landed in the middle of the yard.

"Are you okay, Sam?" I heard Penny call as I sat up with a groan and looked up at the balcony, where she was looking down at me and trying in vain to suppress a grin.

"Everything's great, Penny. At least Woolly is outside!" I said and looked over at the sheep, which was smacking its lips and eating the apple that I had dropped.

"It's been a rough ride, hasn't it? Wish I'd had my phone ready," Penny said teasingly, leaning on the railing, and I flashed a grin at her.

"I can send Woolly back up to you and then you can try it?!" I suggested to her.

"In your dreams, Sam. In your dreams!" she replied, grinning.

"CRIDLINGTON!" Penny winced and ran back inside as Steele's pained moans were heard, along with a litany of complaints that Elvis had spilled tea down his shirt again, before the balcony doors apparently closed and the voices quieted down.

"Hey, Sam. Are you still busy with the sheep?" Helen asked me with a grin and offered me a hand to help me up. I gratefully accepted her offer.

"Hopefully not anymore. Elvis tried to get it out the door and Woolly caused quite a mess up there. Has Norman recovered from his involuntary swimming lesson?"

"I think he's still a bit frightened, but that doesn't do any harm. Something like that is usually the best teacher," she replied with a smile and was about to open the door when she paused again. "Where I see you alone, Sam. Can I ask you something?" she then asked me seriously.

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