14-03 The Fastest Food

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I just wanted to lay there and enjoy the rest of the day with these feelings that Sam had awakened in me. It was so wonderful to lie in his arms and feel his warmth after sharing such closeness and happiness together. I wanted to turn towards him, but he instinctively pulled me back to him before giving me enough space to do so. Did he think I wanted to get up? That was the last thing I wanted right now. Maybe doing that before work wasn't such a good idea after all?!

Sam hadn't come back yesterday while I was still able to keep my eyes open and he had put me back to bed later. This would certainly not fulfill our desire to have children, let alone share a little more closeness with each other.

I had just wanted to go jogging when I woke up long before my time, as usual, but Sam didn't let me go and preferred to be grumpy. He just had to talk! I had made it pretty clear to him that I probably had more reason to be upset after he stood me up last night.

He had sheepishly confessed to me that there had been another fire at the Sparks, which he and Steele had quickly got under control, but unfortunately the second fire had started while Hannah, Joe and James were evaluating the measurement results and Norman had caused it out of boredom with throwing around the cucumber he had used to fend off the moon people with before. Once there, Sam preferred to stay there to keep an eye on Norman until Joe had evaluated the measurement results.

Of course!

At least we now knew that the moon was 384387 km away from us last night. How had I managed to survive without this knowledge?

Sam still didn't want to let me go jogging after that, the only problem was that he was also wide awake after our conversation and couldn't go back to sleep. But he quickly and convincingly found something to do for the time until we actually had to get up and it was breathtaking. All of our nervousness and worries before had been completely unfounded.

"Sam?" I murmured quietly.


"What time is it?"

"I don't care," he grumbled tiredly and I had to smile.

"And Steele?" I asked, not yet able to form complete sentences and Sam snorted into my neck.

"How can you think about Steele now? I'm still in the afterglow," he grumbled quietly and I couldn't help but grin.

"Should I get a fire extinguisher?"

"Very funny." Sam wasn't a bit of a morning person anyway if he was dragged out of bed too early. Things had only gotten worse since we'd been sleeping over at each other's houses because he had an overwhelming urge to cuddle. But after this form of morning exercise he seemed to become unbearable when trying to get him out of bed.

"We'll probably have to get to work soon," I murmured, hoping to catch him in his sense of duty.

"I haven't heard an alarm yet," he murmured sleepily, and I immediately tensed in his arms, remembering that I had fallen asleep before I could turn the alarm on.

"I didn't Set it up, Sam. You?" I said hesitantly as I looked up at him. Suddenly he was wide awake and turned around so that he could look at the alarm clock that was on the bedside table - and just a second later he was sitting up in bed.

"Holy sparks!" he wailed as he jumped out of bed and after a quick look at his alarm clock I did the same.

We only had enough time to throw on our clothes and do a quick cat wash in the bathroom. Breakfast and shower had to be skipped today, before I was the first to sneak out of the house and walk around the station so that no one could see me coming from Sam's direction.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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